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Total Solar Eclipses with Durations Exceeding 06m 00s

3001 to 4000 ( 3001 CE to 4000 CE )


Eclipses of the Sun can only occur during the New Moon phase. It is then possible for the Moon's penumbral, umbral or antumbral shadows to sweep across Earth's surface thereby producing an eclipse. Not all New Moons result in a solar eclipse because the Moon's orbit is tilted about 5 degrees to Earth's about the Sun. Consequently, the Moon's shadows miss Earth at most New Moon's. Nevertheless, there are 2 to 5 solar eclipses every calendar year. There are four types of solar eclipses: partial, annular, total and hybrid[1]. For more information, see Basic Solar Eclipse Geometry.

Solar Eclipses: 3001 to 4000

During the 10 century period 3001 to 4000 ( 3001 CE to 4000 CE[2]), Earth will experience 2365 solar eclipses. The following table shows the number of eclipses of each type over this period.

Solar Eclipses: 3001 - 4000
Eclipse Type Symbol Number Percent
All Eclipses - 2365100.0%
PartialP 829 35.1%
AnnularA 741 31.3%
TotalT 625 26.4%
HybridH 170 7.2%

Annular and total eclipses can be further classified as either: 1) Central (two limits), 2) Central (one limit) or 3) Non-Central (one limit). The statistical distribution of these classes during the 40th century CE appears in the following three tables (no Hybrids are included since all are central with two limits).

Annular and Total Eclipses
Classification Number Percent
All 1366100.0%
Central (two limits) 1324 96.9%
Central (one limit) 20 1.5%
Non-Central (one limit) 22 1.6%
Annular Eclipses
Classification Number Percent
All Annular Eclipses 741100.0%
Central (two limits) 710 95.8%
Central (one limit) 15 2.0%
Non-Central (one limit) 16 2.2%
Total Eclipses
Classification Number Percent
All Total Eclipses 625100.0%
Central (two limits) 614 98.2%
Central (one limit) 5 0.8%
Non-Central (one limit) 6 1.0%

Long Total Solar Eclipses

The longest central[3] solar eclipses of this period are:

          Longest Total   Solar Eclipse:    3991 Jul 25      Duration = 07m18s
          Longest Annular Solar Eclipse:    3080 Jan 14      Duration = 12m09s
          Longest Hybrid  Solar Eclipse:    3667 Jan 07      Duration = 01m45s

Long Total Solar Eclipses are relatively rare. The following catalog lists concise details and local circumstances for all Total Solar Eclipses with durations exceeding 06m 00s. The Key to Catalog of Solar Eclipses contains a detailed description and explanation of each item listed in the catalog. For eclipses from -1999 to +3000, the Catalog Number in the first column serves as a link to a global map of Earth showing the geographic visibility of each eclipse. The date and time of the eclipse are given at the instant of greatest eclipse[4] in Terrestrial Dynamical Time. The Saros Number in the sixth column links to a table listing all eclipses in the Saros series. The Key to Solar Eclipse Maps explains the features plotted on each map.

The data presented here are based in part on the Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000.

Catalog of Long Total Solar Eclipses: 3001 to 4000

                      TD of
Catalog  Calendar   Greatest          Luna Saros Ecl.           Ecl.                Sun Sun  Path Central
Number     Date      Eclipse     ΔT    Num  Num  Type  Gamma    Mag.   Lat.   Long. Alt Azm Width   Dur.
                                  s                                      °      °    °    °   km

-----  3043 Jun 29  05:31:35   4605  12906  163   T   -0.4545  1.0636   4.0S 118.8E  63 358  234  06m13s
-----  3061 Jul 09  12:58:57   4742  13129  163   T   -0.5262  1.0659   9.7S   5.9E  58   2  253  06m20s
-----  3062 Jun 29  06:07:48   4750  13141  173   T    0.2150  1.0762  35.7N 108.8E  77 178  253  06m16s
-----  3079 Jul 20  20:26:23   4882  13352  163   T   -0.5984  1.0673  16.4S 107.8W  53   6  274  06m16s
-----  3080 Jul 09  13:38:50   4889  13364  173   T    0.1427  1.0762  30.4N   2.0W  82 182  249  06m31s
-----  3097 Jul 31  03:53:09   5023  13575  163   T   -0.6716  1.0678  23.9S 137.8E  48  10  298  06m02s
-----  3098 Jul 20  21:08:34   5031  13587  173   T    0.0692  1.0755  24.3N 113.5W  86 186  245  06m40s
-----  3116 Aug 01  04:36:29   5174  13810  173   Tm  -0.0053  1.0739  17.5N 134.6E  90  15  240  06m41s
-----  3134 Aug 12  12:05:48   5319  14033  173   T   -0.0784  1.0715  10.4N  21.6E  86  13  233  06m35s
-----  3152 Aug 22  19:36:07   5467  14256  173   T   -0.1499  1.0683   2.9N  92.3W  81  15  225  06m19s

-----  3167 May 11  11:43:44   5589  14438  176   T   -0.2868  1.0672   1.4N  29.5E  73 351  229  06m18s
-----  3185 May 21  19:38:05   5740  14661  176   T   -0.2338  1.0694   6.9N  89.6W  77 354  232  06m33s
-----  3203 Jun 02  03:26:13   5893  14884  176   T   -0.1756  1.0713  12.1N 153.4E  80 358  235  06m40s
-----  3221 Jun 12  11:08:26   6048  15107  176   T   -0.1125  1.0724  16.7N  38.4E  84   2  237  06m41s
-----  3239 Jun 23  18:44:34   6205  15330  176   Tm  -0.0445  1.0730  20.8N  74.3W  88   7  237  06m34s
-----  3257 Jul 04  02:17:24   6364  15553  176   T    0.0260  1.0728  24.2N 174.4E  88 191  237  06m22s
-----  3275 Jul 15  09:46:23   6525  15776  176   T    0.0997  1.0719  26.8N  64.6E  84 196  235  06m05s
-----  3337 Sep 16  22:31:59   7096  16545  185   T    0.1835  1.0688  12.1N 126.1W  79 198  228  06m06s
-----  3355 Sep 28  06:18:03   7266  16768  185   T    0.1237  1.0678   4.6N 115.9E  83 197  223  06m06s
-----  3373 Oct 08  14:10:28   7438  16991  185   T    0.0690  1.0665   2.6S   3.4W  86 197  218  06m01s

-----  3398 Jun 06  23:36:42   7677  17296  179   T   -0.0731  1.0680  18.7N 140.9W  86 349  222  06m09s
-----  3406 Jul 08  13:59:33   7756  17396  188   T   -0.4402  1.0647   3.4S   1.1W  64  12  235  06m08s
-----  3416 Jun 18  07:16:16   7853  17519  179   T   -0.1383  1.0683  15.4N 105.7E  82 354  225  06m21s
-----  3424 Jul 18  21:28:11   7933  17619  188   T   -0.3666  1.0680   0.2S 112.7W  68  16  238  06m17s
-----  3434 Jun 29  14:51:32   8032  17742  179   T   -0.2070  1.0679  11.1N   7.3W  78 358  226  06m29s
-----  3442 Jul 30  04:55:23   8113  17842  188   T   -0.2915  1.0707   2.2N 136.5E  73  19  240  06m19s
-----  3452 Jul 09  22:21:45   8213  17965  179   T   -0.2794  1.0668   5.7N 119.7W  74   2  227  06m28s
-----  3460 Aug 09  12:24:01   8295  18065  188   T   -0.2170  1.0725   3.7N  25.7E  77  23  241  06m17s
-----  3470 Jul 21  05:49:57   8396  18188  179   T   -0.3529  1.0649   0.5S 127.7E  69   6  227  06m18s
-----  3478 Aug 20  19:53:46   8478  18288  188   T   -0.1431  1.0735   4.4N  85.2W  82  25  241  06m12s

-----  3496 Aug 31  03:27:36   8664  18511  188   T   -0.0724  1.0738   4.3N 163.0E  86  28  240  06m05s
-----  3601 Jul 13  10:03:36   9784  19808  191   T    0.1860  1.0720  32.3N  73.1E  79 184  238  06m07s
-----  3619 Jul 24  17:33:17   9983  20031  191   T    0.1125  1.0744  25.9N  38.2W  83 188  243  06m30s
-----  3637 Aug 04  01:02:43  10185  20254  191   T    0.0385  1.0760  18.9N 150.4W  88 190  246  06m47s
-----  3655 Aug 15  08:32:56  10388  20477  191   Tm  -0.0351  1.0768  11.5N  96.5E  88  14  249  06m55s
-----  3673 Aug 25  16:05:24  10593  20700  191   T   -0.1069  1.0769   3.9N  17.6W  84  15  250  06m55s
-----  3691 Sep 05  23:41:10  10801  20923  191   T   -0.1763  1.0762   3.9S 133.0W  80  17  250  06m48s
-----  3709 Sep 17  07:20:30  11010  21146  191   T   -0.2426  1.0747  11.7S 110.7E  76  18  249  06m33s
-----  3724 Jun 04  23:45:50  11183  21328  194   T   -0.2093  1.0635  10.5N 129.3W  78 360  213  06m05s
-----  3727 Sep 28  15:05:07  11222  21369  191   T   -0.3045  1.0726  19.4S   6.9W  72  18  247  06m12s

-----  3742 Jun 16  07:29:09  11396  21551  194   T   -0.1477  1.0677  14.8N 115.7E  82   4  223  06m20s
-----  3760 Jun 26  15:07:32  11611  21774  194   T   -0.0817  1.0713  18.5N   2.6E  85   9  233  06m28s
-----  3778 Jul 07  22:42:11  11828  21997  194   T   -0.0123  1.0742  21.5N 109.1W  89  16  241  06m30s
-----  3796 Jul 18  06:14:29  12047  22220  194   Tm   0.0595  1.0765  23.8N 140.3E  86 197  248  06m27s
-----  3814 Jul 30  13:45:51  12268  22443  194   T    0.1325  1.0779  25.2N  30.3E  82 201  254  06m21s
-----  3832 Aug 09  21:15:48  12491  22666  194   T    0.2069  1.0786  26.0N  79.3W  78 205  259  06m13s
-----  3850 Aug 21  04:47:50  12716  22889  194   T    0.2798  1.0783  26.2N 170.6E  74 208  263  06m04s
-----  3919 Jun 11  19:56:40  13594  23740  197   Tm  -0.0429  1.0689  20.6N  61.2W  88 350  225  06m11s
-----  3937 Jun 22  03:39:41  13829  23963  197   T   -0.1057  1.0722  17.2N 175.2W  84 355  236  06m37s
-----  3955 Jul 03  11:20:05  14065  24186  197   T   -0.1713  1.0749  12.8N  70.9E  80 360  246  06m58s

Catalog of Long Total Solar Eclipses: 3001 to 4000

                      TD of
Catalog  Calendar   Greatest          Luna Saros Ecl.           Ecl.                Sun Sun  Path Central
Number     Date      Eclipse     ΔT    Num  Num  Type  Gamma    Mag.   Lat.   Long. Alt Azm Width   Dur.
                                  s                                      °      °    °    °   km

-----  3973 Jul 13  18:54:49  14304  24409  197   T   -0.2416  1.0769   7.3N  42.4W  76   4  256  07m12s
-----  3991 Jul 25  02:29:22  14545  24632  197   T   -0.3124  1.0781   1.1N 156.3W  72   7  266  07m18s


The Gregorian calendar is used for all dates from 1582 Oct 15 onwards. Before that date, the Julian calendar is used. For more information on this topic, see Calendar Dates. The Julian calendar does not include the year 0. Thus the year 1 BCE is followed by the year 1 CE (See: BCE/CE Dating Conventions ). This is awkward for arithmetic calculations. Years in this catalog are numbered astronomically and include the year 0. Historians should note there is a difference of one year between astronomical dates and BCE dates. Thus, the astronomical year 0 corresponds to 1 BCE, and astronomical year -1 corresponds to 2 BCE, etc..


The coordinates of the Sun used in these predictions are based on the VSOP87 theory [Bretagnon and Francou, 1988]. The Moon's coordinates are based on the ELP-2000/82 theory [Chapront-Touze and Chapront, 1983]. For more information, see: Solar and Lunar Ephemerides. The revised value used for the Moon's secular acceleration is n-dot = -25.858 arc-sec/cy*cy, as deduced from the Apollo lunar laser ranging experiment (Chapront, Chapront-Touze, and Francou, 2002).

The largest uncertainty in the eclipse predictions is caused by fluctuations in Earth's rotation due primarily to tidal friction of the Moon. The resultant drift in apparent clock time is expressed as ΔT and is determined as follows:

  1. pre-1950's: ΔT calculated from empirical fits to historical records derived by Morrison and Stephenson (2004)
  2. 1955-present: ΔT obtained from published observations
  3. future: ΔT is extrapolated from current values weighted by the long term trend from tidal effects

A series of polynomial expressions have been derived to simplify the evaluation of ΔT for any time from -1999 to +3000. The uncertainty in ΔT over this period can be estimated from scatter in the measurements.


[1] Hybrid eclipses are also known as annular/total eclipses. Such an eclipse is both total and annular along different sections of its umbral path. (See: Five Millennium Catalog of Hybrid Solar Eclipses)

[2] The terms BCE and CE are abbreviations for "Before Common Era" and "Common Era," respectively. They are the secular equivalents to the BC and AD dating conventions. (See: Year Dating Conventions )

[3] Central solar eclipses are eclipses in which the central axis of the Moon's shadow strikes the Earth's surface. All partial (penumbral) eclipses are non-central eclipses since the shadow axis misses Earth. However, umbral eclipses (total, annular and hybrid) may be either central (usually) or non-central (rarely).

[4] Greatest eclipse is defined as the instant when the axis of the Moon's shadow passes closest to the Earth's center. For total eclipses, the instant of greatest eclipse is virtually identical to the instants of greatest magnitude and greatest duration. However, for annular eclipses, the instant of greatest duration may occur at either the time of greatest eclipse or near the sunrise and sunset points of the eclipse path.


Special thanks to Dan McGlaun for extracting the individual eclipse maps from the Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000 for use in this catalog.

The Besselian elements used in the predictions were kindly provided by Jean Meeus. All eclipse calculations are by Fred Espenak, and he assumes full responsibility for their accuracy. Some of the information presented on this web site is based on data originally published in Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000

Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by an acknowledgment:

"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak and Jean Meeus (NASA's GSFC)"

Eclipse Links

Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses

Ten Millennium Catalog of Long Solar Eclipses

Catalog of Solar Eclipse Saros Series

World Atlas of Solar Eclipse Paths

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