The primary source for geographic coordinates used in the local circumstances tables is The New International Atlas (Rand McNally, 1991). Elevations for major cities were taken from Climates of the World (U. S. Dept. of Commerce, 1972).
All eclipse predictions presented in this publication were generated on a Macintosh computer. As such, it represents the culmination of a two year project to migrate a great deal of eclipse software from mainframe (DEC VAX 11/785) to personal computer (Macintosh IIfx) and from one programming language (FORTRAN IV) to another (THINK Pascal). Word processing and page layout for the publication were done using Microsoft Word v5.1. Figures were annotated with Claris MacDraw Pro 1.5. Meteorological diagrams were prepared using Windows Draw 3.0 and converted to Macintosh compatible files. Finally, the bulletin was printed on a 600 dpi laser printer (Apple LaserWriter Pro).
The names and spellings of countries, cities and other geopolitical regions are not authoritative, nor do they imply any official recognition in status. Corrections to names, geographic coordinates and elevations are actively solicited in order to update the data base for future eclipses. All calculations, diagrams and opinions presented in this publication are those of the authors and they assume full responsibility for their accuracy.
Conversion of the text to html format was accomplished using Internet Assistant and Microsoft 6.0 for Windows. Some of the diplayed equations were converted to GIF images using the Microsoft Equation Editor for Macintosh and Adobe Photoshop 3.0.1. The PICT versions of the Figures were converted to CompuServe GIF format using Adobe Photoshop 3.0.1, and the GNC maps were scanned with a Microtek Scanmaker IIxe scanner and saved in JPEG with Adobe Photoshop 3.0.1. Conversion of the manuscript and figures, aside from some editing directly on the server, was carried out on an Apple Power Macintosh 8100/80.