Russia - The Lake Baikal Area

Just over the border from Mongolia, the eclipse track begins to turn northward, nudging past the border with China. One of the routes to the eclipse track is overland from Harbin in Manchuria to the Russian city of Cita. The center line of the eclipse passes just south of Cita, but the overland trip will be a difficult one, crossing two mountain ranges along the way. Figure 7 and table 14 suggest that there is little to be gained in this area from a weather perspective. Cloud cover improves slightly but temperatures fall, as seen in the statistics for Nerchinskiy Zavo, which can be compared to those at Ulaanbaatar in table 14. Winters are cold, with a thin snow cover and a high frequency of clear skies. These conditions continue northeast along the eclipse track as far as 55°N, where access by way of the Trans-Siberian Express comes to an end when the railway route turns southeastward toward Vladivostok.

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