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NASA Eclipse Web Site

Eclipses During 2007

Fred Espenak
Published in Observer's Handbook 2007, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Table 4

Partial Solar Eclipse of 2007 Sep 11

Table of Local Circumstances

Country/Region        Eclipse      Maximum      Eclipse      Sun       Sun      Eclipse     Eclipse
   City               Begins       Eclipse      Ends         Alt       Azm      Magni.      Obscur.
                      hh:mm        hh:mm        hh:mm         °         °

     Palmer Station   11:38        12:47        14:00        11        53       0.698       0.610
     Buenos Aires     10:42        11:49        13:02        21        68       0.522       0.409
     Córdoba          10:36        11:39        12:48        16        75       0.507       0.392
     Rosario          10:39        11:44        12:56        19        71       0.513       0.399
     San Justo        10:43        11:49        13:02        21        68       0.524       0.411
     La Paz             —  r       11:11        12:01         9        83       0.256       0.147
     Belford Roxo     10:43        11:37        12:35        35        66       0.241       0.135
     Belo Horizonte   10:41        11:30        12:24        35        69       0.200       0.103
     Brasília         10:36        11:19        12:05        30        75       0.161       0.074
     Campinas         10:38        11:34        12:35        32        69       0.279       0.167
     Cava             10:43        11:37        12:35        35        66       0.240       0.134
     Curitiba         10:37        11:37        12:42        30        68       0.336       0.219
     Goiânia          10:34        11:20        12:09        28        75       0.188       0.093
     Japeri           10:42        11:36        12:35        35        66       0.242       0.136
     Mesquita         10:43        11:37        12:35        35        66       0.242       0.136
     Nova Iguaçu      10:43        11:37        12:35        35        66       0.241       0.135
     Pinheirinhos     10:40        11:35        12:34        34        68       0.252       0.144
     Porto Alegre     10:41        11:45        12:56        28        66       0.418       0.299
     Queimados        10:42        11:36        12:35        35        66       0.242       0.136
     Rio de Janeiro   10:43        11:37        12:36        36        66       0.242       0.135
     Salvador         11:06        11:21        11:37        40        73       0.016       0.002
     Santos           10:39        11:37        12:39        32        67       0.289       0.175
     São Paulo        10:39        11:35        12:37        32        68       0.285       0.172
     Santiago           —  r       11:40        12:48        10        78       0.550       0.440
     Asuncion         10:31        11:30        12:36        21        74       0.389       0.269
     Lima               —  r       11:08r       11:41         0        85       0.150       0.067
     Montevideo       10:44        11:51        13:05        23        66       0.512       0.398

All times are Universal Time

'r' indicates eclipse in progress at sunrise

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