This website is available as a resource for eclipse and transit records and information, but will not be updated. For the latest on future eclipses from NASA, please visit
Google Maps are not working at present; we are working on a replacement.
The following links give information on all eclipses of the Sun and Moon from 2000 through the current year.
Dates, maps and details for 5000 years of solar eclipses can be found in:
The Javascript Solar Eclipse Explorer lets you calculate the visibility of solar eclipses from any city for hundreds of years in the past and future:
Search for solar eclipses by date interval, type, and magnitude, and plot the results on Google maps:
Other useful links to past and future solar eclipses are as follows.
The table below lists every solar eclipse from 2011 through 2020. Click on any of the following values to link to additional information or maps:
The Key to Solar Eclipse Table contains a detailed description of each item in the table.
Solar Eclipses: 2011 - 2020 | |||||||
Calendar Date | TD of Greatest Eclipse | Eclipse Type | Saros Series | Eclipse Magnitude | Central Duration | Geographic Region of Eclipse Visibility | |
(Link to Global Map) | (Link to Animation) | (Link to Google Map) | (Link to Saros) | (Link to Path Table) | |||
2011 Jan 04 | 08:51:42 | Partial | 151 | 0.858 | - | Europe, Africa, c Asia | |
2011 Jun 01 | 21:17:18 | Partial | 118 | 0.601 | - | e Asia, n N. America, Iceland | |
2011 Jul 01 | 08:39:30 | Partial | 156 | 0.097 | - | s Indian Ocean | |
2011 Nov 25 | 06:21:24 | Partial | 123 | 0.905 | - | s Africa, Antarctica, Tasmania, N.Z. | |
2012 May 20 | 23:53:53 | Annular | 128 | 0.944 | 05m46s | Asia, Pacific, N. America
[Annular: China, Japan, Pacific, w U.S.] |
2012 Nov 13 | 22:12:55 | Total | 133 | 1.050 | 04m02s | Australia, N.Z., s Pacific, s S. America
[Total: n Australia, s Pacific] |
2013 May 10 | 00:26:20 | Annular | 138 | 0.954 | 06m03s | Australia, N.Z., c Pacific
[Annular: n Australia, Solomon Is., c Pacific] |
2013 Nov 03 | 12:47:36 | Hybrid | 143 | 1.016 | 01m40s | e Americas, s Europe, Africa
[Hybrid: Atlantic, c Africa] |
2014 Apr 29 | 06:04:32 | Annular | 148 | 0.987 | - | s Indian, Australia, Antarctica
[Annular: Antarctica] |
2014 Oct 23 | 21:45:39 | Partial | 153 | 0.811 | - | n Pacific, N. America | |
2015 Mar 20 | 09:46:47 | Total | 120 | 1.045 | 02m47s | Iceland, Europe, n Africa, n Asia
[Total: n Atlantic, Faeroe Is, Svalbard] |
2015 Sep 13 | 06:55:19 | Partial | 125 | 0.788 | - | s Africa, s Indian, Antarctica | |
2016 Mar 09 | 01:58:19 | Total | 130 | 1.045 | 04m09s | e Asia, Australia, Pacific
[Total: Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Pacific] |
2016 Sep 01 | 09:08:02 | Annular | 135 | 0.974 | 03m06s | Africa, Indian Ocean
[Annular: Atlantic, c Africa, Madagascar, Indian] |
2017 Feb 26 | 14:54:32 | Annular | 140 | 0.992 | 00m44s | s S. America, Atlantic, Africa, Antarctica
[Annular: Pacific, Chile, Argentina, Atlantic, Africa] |
2017 Aug 21 | 18:26:40 | Total | 145 | 1.031 | 02m40s | N. America, n S. America
[Total: n Pacific, U.S., s Atlantic] |
2018 Feb 15 | 20:52:33 | Partial | 150 | 0.599 | - | Antarctica, s S. America | |
2018 Jul 13 | 03:02:16 | Partial | 117 | 0.336 | - | s Australia | |
2018 Aug 11 | 09:47:28 | Partial | 155 | 0.737 | - | n Europe, ne Asia | |
2019 Jan 06 | 01:42:38 | Partial | 122 | 0.715 | - | ne Asia, n Pacific | |
2019 Jul 02 | 19:24:07 | Total | 127 | 1.046 | 04m33s | s Pacific, S. America
[Total: s Pacific, Chile, Argentina] |
2019 Dec 26 | 05:18:53 | Annular | 132 | 0.970 | 03m39s | Asia, Australia
[Annular: Saudi Arabia, India, Sumatra, Borneo] |
2020 Jun 21 | 06:41:15 | Annular | 137 | 0.994 | 00m38s | Africa, se Europe, Asia
[Annular: c Africa, s Asia, China, Pacific] |
2020 Dec 14 | 16:14:39 | Total | 142 | 1.025 | 02m10s | Pacific, s S. America, Antarctica
[Total: s Pacific, Chile, Argentina, s Atlantic] |
Geographic abbreviations (used above): n = north, s = south, e = east, w = west, c = central
Each link in the following table displays a page containing 10 years of eclipses. Every eclipse has links of global maps, interactive Google maps, animations, path coordinate tables, and Saros tables.
Decade Tables of Solar Eclipses | |||||
Decades | |||||
1901-1910 | 1911-1920 | 1921-1930 | 1931-1940 | 1941-1950 | |
1951-1960 | 1961-1970 | 1971-1980 | 1981-1990 | 1991-2000 | |
2001-2010 | 2011-2020 | 2021-2030 | 2031-2040 | 2041-2050 | |
2051-2060 | 2061-2070 | 2071-2080 | 2081-2090 | 2091-2100 |
Each of the following links displays a table containing 20 years of total, annular and hybrid eclipses. Each eclipse offers links to a global map, shadow animation, interactive Google map, path coordinates table, and Saros table.
Twenty Year Solar Eclipse Path Tables (w/Google Maps) | |||||
Years | |||||
1901-1920 | 1921-1940 | 1941-1960 | 1961-1980 | 1981-2000 | |
2001-2020 | 2021-2040 | 2041-2060 | 2061-2080 | 2081-2100 |
Each link in the following table displays a web page containing 100 years of eclipses. Every eclipse has links of global maps, central paths plotted on Google Maps, Saros series tables, and Besselian elements.
These tables are part of the Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000
The World Atlas of Solar Eclipse Paths features maps showing the paths of all total, annular and hybrid eclipses. Each map in the atlas covers a 20-year period. The atlas spans five millennia from -1999 to +3000 (2000 BCE to 3000 CE).
World Atlas of Solar Eclipse Paths | |||||
19th Century | 1801-1820 | 1821-1840 | 1841-1860 | 1861-1880 | 1881-1900 |
20th Century | 1901-1920 | 1921-1940 | 1941-1960 | 1961-1980 | 1981-2000 |
21st Century | 2001-2020 | 2021-2040 | 2041-2060 | 2061-2080 | 2081-2100 |
22nd Century | 2101-2120 | 2121-2140 | 2141-2160 | 2161-2180 | 2181-2200 |
For eclipse maps covering other decades, see World Atlas of Solar Eclipse Paths.
The Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses contains maps of every solar eclipse from -1999 to +3000 (2000 BCE to 3000 CE). The supplemental Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses contains 201 pages of tables giving details for each eclipse.
The Fifty Year Canon of Solar Eclipses contains maps of every solar eclipse from 1986 to 2035 along with path coordinate tables for all central eclipses.
NASA's Solar Eclipse Bulletins were special publications issued periodically that focused on major upcoming solar eclipses. Each bulletin contained detailed eclipse predictions, local circumstances, maps and climatological data along the eclipse path. The NASA eclipse bulletins ended with the 2010 eclipse bulletin.
Additional eclipse publications:
All eclipse calculations are by Fred Espenak, and he assumes full responsibility for their accuracy. Some of the information presented on this web site is based on data originally published in:
Fifty Year Canon of Solar Eclipses: 1986 - 2035
Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000 (2000 BCE to 3000 CE)
Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000 (2000 BCE to 3000 CE)
Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by an acknowledgment:
"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA GSFC Emeritus"
For more information, see: NASA Copyright Information
Website Manager: Robert M. Candey (
Responsible NASA Official: Michael S. Kirk (
Heliophysics Science Division, Code 670
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA