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Annular Solar Eclipses with Durations Exceeding 09m 00s

-2999 to -2000 ( 3000 BCE to 2001 BCE )


Eclipses of the Sun can only occur during the New Moon phase. It is then possible for the Moon's penumbral, umbral or antumbral shadows to sweep across Earth's surface thereby producing an eclipse. Not all New Moons result in a solar eclipse because the Moon's orbit is tilted about 5 degrees to Earth's about the Sun. Consequently, the Moon's shadows miss Earth at most New Moon's. Nevertheless, there are 2 to 5 solar eclipses every calendar year. There are four types of solar eclipses: partial, annular, total and hybrid[1]. For more information, see Basic Solar Eclipse Geometry.

Solar Eclipses: -2999 to -2000 ( 3000 BCE to 2001 BCE)

During the 10 century period -2999 to -2000 ( 3000 BCE to 2001 BCE[2]), Earth experienced 2362 solar eclipses. The following table shows the number of eclipses of each type over this period.

Solar Eclipses: -2999 - -2000
Eclipse Type Symbol Number Percent
All Eclipses - 2362100.0%
PartialP 841 35.6%
AnnularA 806 34.1%
TotalT 646 27.3%
HybridH 69 2.9%

Annular and total eclipses can be further classified as either: 1) Central (two limits), 2) Central (one limit) or 3) Non-Central (one limit). The statistical distribution of these classes during the 21st century BCE appears in the following three tables (no Hybrids are included since all are central with two limits).

Annular and Total Eclipses
Classification Number Percent
All 1452100.0%
Central (two limits) 1409 97.0%
Central (one limit) 22 1.5%
Non-Central (one limit) 21 1.4%
Annular Eclipses
Classification Number Percent
All Annular Eclipses 806100.0%
Central (two limits) 774 96.0%
Central (one limit) 17 2.1%
Non-Central (one limit) 15 1.9%
Total Eclipses
Classification Number Percent
All Total Eclipses 646100.0%
Central (two limits) 635 98.3%
Central (one limit) 5 0.8%
Non-Central (one limit) 6 0.9%

Long Annular Solar Eclipses

The longest central[3] solar eclipses of this period are:

          Longest Total   Solar Eclipse:   -2230 May 17      Duration = 07m21s
          Longest Annular Solar Eclipse:   -2000 Dec 16      Duration = 11m36s
          Longest Hybrid  Solar Eclipse:   -2954 Oct 06      Duration = 01m42s

Long Annular Solar Eclipses are relatively rare. The following catalog lists concise details and local circumstances for all Annular Solar Eclipses with durations exceeding 09m 00s. The Key to Catalog of Solar Eclipses contains a detailed description and explanation of each item listed in the catalog. For eclipses from -1999 to +3000, the Catalog Number in the first column serves as a link to a global map of Earth showing the geographic visibility of each eclipse. The date and time of the eclipse are given at the instant of greatest eclipse[4] in Terrestrial Dynamical Time. The Saros Number in the sixth column links to a table listing all eclipses in the Saros series. The Key to Solar Eclipse Maps explains the features plotted on each map.

The data presented here are based in part on the Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000.

Catalog of Long Annular Solar Eclipses: -2999 to -2000

                      TD of
Catalog  Calendar   Greatest          Luna Saros Ecl.           Ecl.                Sun Sun  Path Central
Number     Date      Eclipse     ΔT    Num  Num  Type  Gamma    Mag.   Lat.   Long. Alt Azm Width   Dur.
                                  s                                      °      °    °    °   km

----- -2983 Oct 26  23:55:13  71154 -61622  -24   A    0.1043  0.9159   1.1N 120.0E  84 209  321  09m55s
----- -2965 Nov 07  07:56:28  70620 -61399  -24   A    0.1054  0.9161   3.3S   3.0W  84 208  321  10m03s
----- -2947 Nov 17  15:56:24  70089 -61176  -24   A    0.1081  0.9170   7.2S 125.6W  84 206  317  10m09s
----- -2932 Aug 05  02:49:21  69656 -60994  -21   A   -0.1914  0.9332  11.9N  67.5E  79   2  254  09m26s
----- -2929 Nov 28  23:54:36  69559 -60953  -24   A    0.1125  0.9186  10.5S 112.6E  84 203  310  10m11s
----- -2914 Aug 16  09:58:39  69129 -60771  -21   A   -0.2351  0.9297   7.5N  42.4W  76   6  271  10m02s
----- -2911 Dec 09  07:48:28  69032 -60730  -24   A    0.1207  0.9210  13.0S   7.8W  83 200  301  10m09s
----- -2896 Aug 26  17:18:16  68603 -60548  -21   A   -0.2702  0.9264   3.0N 155.3W  74   9  287  10m27s
----- -2893 Dec 20  15:38:19  68506 -60507  -24   A    0.1322  0.9239  14.6S 126.9W  82 196  290  10m02s
----- -2878 Sep 07  00:47:04  68079 -60325  -21   A   -0.2978  0.9235   1.8S  89.3E  73  13  302  10m41s

----- -2875 Dec 30  23:19:31  67983 -60284  -24   A    0.1513  0.9274  14.9S 116.3E  81 191  276  09m48s
----- -2860 Sep 17  08:25:01  67557 -60102  -21   A   -0.3179  0.9210   6.6S  28.6W  71  15  314  10m47s
----- -2856 Jan 11  06:54:13  67461 -60061  -24   A    0.1760  0.9313  14.0S   1.0E  80 186  261  09m27s
----- -2842 Sep 28  16:10:59  67037 -59879  -21   A   -0.3314  0.9191  11.4S 148.5W  71  17  323  10m44s
----- -2824 Oct 09  00:04:18  66519 -59656  -21   A   -0.3390  0.9178  16.2S  89.9E  70  19  330  10m37s
----- -2806 Oct 20  08:01:23  66004 -59433  -21   A   -0.3436  0.9173  21.0S  32.4W  70  19  333  10m25s
----- -2788 Oct 30  16:03:07  65490 -59210  -21   A   -0.3446  0.9174  25.6S 155.5W  70  19  333  10m09s
----- -2770 Nov 11  00:05:14  64978 -58987  -21   A   -0.3457  0.9182  30.1S  81.8E  70  18  330  09m50s
----- -2752 Nov 21  08:08:02  64468 -58764  -21   A   -0.3462  0.9198  34.3S  40.4W  70  16  324  09m27s
----- -2621 Nov 14  06:40:30  60825 -57144   -9   A    0.2881  0.9299   4.1N  23.9W  73 195  274  09m15s

----- -2603 Nov 24  14:47:13  60332 -56921   -9   A    0.2868  0.9287   0.4N 148.3W  73 192  279  09m40s
----- -2593 Nov 04  08:19:22  60061 -56798  -18   A    0.5858  0.9200  23.2N  38.3W  54 211  365  09m01s
----- -2585 Dec 05  22:51:48  59841 -56698   -9   A    0.2842  0.9282   2.8S  87.9E  74 189  281  09m58s
----- -2575 Nov 14  16:25:20  59571 -56575  -18   A    0.5861  0.9215  19.8N 163.6W  54 207  358  09m12s
----- -2567 Dec 16  06:49:20  59351 -56475   -9   A    0.2758  0.9284   5.6S  33.9W  74 185  279  10m06s
----- -2566 Dec 05  05:56:49  59325 -56463    1   A    0.9584  0.9103  53.9N   8.0W  16 195 1228  09m05s
----- -2560 Aug 02  03:38:07  59172 -56393  -15   A   -0.6453  0.9333  17.5S  10.7E  50   2  326  09m10s
----- -2557 Nov 26  00:29:59  59083 -56352  -18   A    0.5880  0.9237  17.0N  71.5E  54 204  349  09m17s
----- -2549 Dec 27  14:40:50  58864 -56252   -9   A    0.2632  0.9292   8.0S 154.0W  75 180  275  10m02s
----- -2548 Dec 15  13:51:19  58838 -56240    1   A    0.9494  0.9135  50.4N 135.2W  18 188 1070  09m08s

----- -2542 Aug 13  10:44:12  58686 -56170  -15   A   -0.6925  0.9304  22.7S 100.5W  46   6  361  09m13s
----- -2539 Dec 06  08:32:26  58597 -56129  -18   A    0.5923  0.9266  15.0N  52.8W  54 200  337  09m16s
----- -2530 Jan 06  22:21:52  58379 -56029   -9   A    0.2421  0.9304  10.0S  88.7E  76 176  269  09m46s
----- -2530 Dec 26  21:39:37  58353 -56017    1   A    0.9347  0.9174  46.5N  99.9E  20 181  896  09m04s
----- -2524 Aug 23  17:59:57  58201 -55947  -15   A   -0.7319  0.9277  28.1S 145.3E  43  11  397  09m07s
----- -2521 Dec 17  16:30:37  58112 -55906  -18   A    0.6003  0.9300  13.9N 175.9W  53 195  324  09m04s
----- -2512 Jan 18  05:55:27  57896 -55806   -9   A    0.2154  0.9321  11.5S  26.5W  78 171  260  09m20s
----- -2408 Nov 28  07:19:01  55126 -54509   -6   A   -0.0442  0.9232  19.9S  62.5W  87  22  290  09m13s
----- -2390 Dec 09  15:17:44  54656 -54286   -6   A   -0.0378  0.9233  22.5S 176.7E  88  18  290  09m26s
----- -2372 Dec 19  23:11:39  54189 -54063   -6   A   -0.0280  0.9240  24.1S  57.5E  88  13  287  09m36s

----- -2354 Dec 31  06:57:21  53723 -53840   -6   A   -0.0116  0.9253  24.5S  59.4W  89   8  282  09m41s
----- -2335 Jan 10  14:35:02  53260 -53617   -6   A    0.0113  0.9270  23.4S 174.3W  89 186  274  09m41s
----- -2321 Sep 28  23:38:30  52883 -53435   -3   A   -0.1696  0.9292   3.7S  43.0E  80  17  269  09m13s
----- -2317 Jan 21  22:03:06  52798 -53394   -6   A    0.0417  0.9292  21.1S  72.8E  88 180  266  09m35s
----- -2303 Oct 09  07:33:22  52423 -53212   -3   A   -0.1797  0.9257   8.7S  78.6W  80  18  284  09m35s
----- -2299 Feb 01  05:22:29  52339 -53171   -6   A    0.0787  0.9316  17.4S  38.4W  86 176  257  09m24s
----- -2285 Oct 20  15:31:59  51965 -52989   -3   A   -0.1861  0.9230  13.6S 159.1E  79  18  296  09m53s
----- -2284 Oct 08  14:31:48  51941 -52977    7   A    0.4936  0.9222  29.5N 171.8W  60 201  335  09m10s
----- -2281 Feb 12  12:29:52  51881 -52948   -6   A    0.1256  0.9342  12.5S 147.4W  83 172  247  09m05s
----- -2267 Oct 30  23:34:12  51510 -52766   -3   A   -0.1891  0.9209  18.3S  36.2E  79  18  305  10m06s

Catalog of Long Annular Solar Eclipses: -2999 to -2000

                      TD of
Catalog  Calendar   Greatest          Luna Saros Ecl.           Ecl.                Sun Sun  Path Central
Number     Date      Eclipse     ΔT    Num  Num  Type  Gamma    Mag.   Lat.   Long. Alt Azm Width   Dur.
                                  s                                      °      °    °    °   km

----- -2266 Oct 19  22:31:09  51485 -52754    7   A    0.4874  0.9220  24.6N  65.2E  61 200  335  09m30s
----- -2249 Nov 11  07:37:12  51056 -52543   -3   A   -0.1911  0.9195  22.7S  86.5W  79  16  311  10m13s
----- -2248 Oct 30  06:33:32  51031 -52531    7   A    0.4831  0.9226  20.1N  58.7W  61 198  331  09m45s
----- -2231 Nov 21  15:40:53  50604 -52320   -3   A   -0.1923  0.9188  26.7S 151.2E  79  13  314  10m16s
----- -2230 Nov 10  14:40:19  50580 -52308    7   A    0.4819  0.9237  16.1N 176.4E  61 195  326  09m55s
----- -2213 Dec 02  23:40:19  50154 -52097   -3   A   -0.1966  0.9189  30.3S  30.5E  78  10  314  10m11s
----- -2212 Nov 20  22:46:45  50130 -52085    7   A    0.4796  0.9256  12.5N  51.6E  61 192  318  09m57s
----- -2195 Dec 13  07:37:06  49706 -51874   -3   A   -0.2030  0.9196  33.3S  89.0W  78   6  311  10m00s
----- -2194 Dec 02  06:53:13  49682 -51862    7   A    0.4771  0.9282   9.4N  73.2W  61 189  306  09m49s
----- -2177 Dec 24  15:26:26  49261 -51651   -3   A   -0.2154  0.9209  35.7S 154.0E  77   1  307  09m40s

----- -2176 Dec 12  14:54:59  49237 -51639    7   A    0.4699  0.9315   6.6N 163.3E  62 185  290  09m29s
----- -2158 Jan 03  23:09:59  48817 -51428   -3   A   -0.2322  0.9228  37.5S  38.9E  76 355  300  09m14s
----- -2090 Oct 24  07:54:12  47142 -50577    0   A    0.4322  0.9175  16.9N  90.9W  64 210  342  09m31s
----- -2072 Nov 03  15:53:32  46708 -50354    0   A    0.4375  0.9160  13.3N 146.5E  64 208  350  10m04s
----- -2054 Nov 14  23:55:36  46276 -50131    0   A    0.4403  0.9153   9.9N  23.1E  64 205  354  10m34s
----- -2036 Nov 25  07:56:41  45846 -49908    0   A    0.4438  0.9152   7.2N 100.0W  64 202  356  11m02s
----- -2018 Dec 06  15:55:26  45418 -49685    0   A    0.4490  0.9159   5.2N 137.6E  63 198  355  11m23s
----- -2003 Aug 24  02:06:36  45070 -49503    3   A   -0.5620  0.9316  16.4S  29.4W  56  11  308  09m09s
----- -2000 Dec 16  23:49:28  44992 -49462    0   A    0.4578  0.9172   4.2N  16.5E  63 193  352  11m36s


The Gregorian calendar is used for all dates from 1582 Oct 15 onwards. Before that date, the Julian calendar is used. For more information on this topic, see Calendar Dates. The Julian calendar does not include the year 0. Thus the year 1 BCE is followed by the year 1 CE (See: BCE/CE Dating Conventions ). This is awkward for arithmetic calculations. Years in this catalog are numbered astronomically and include the year 0. Historians should note there is a difference of one year between astronomical dates and BCE dates. Thus, the astronomical year 0 corresponds to 1 BCE, and astronomical year -1 corresponds to 2 BCE, etc..


The coordinates of the Sun used in these predictions are based on the VSOP87 theory [Bretagnon and Francou, 1988]. The Moon's coordinates are based on the ELP-2000/82 theory [Chapront-Touze and Chapront, 1983]. For more information, see: Solar and Lunar Ephemerides. The revised value used for the Moon's secular acceleration is n-dot = -25.858 arc-sec/cy*cy, as deduced from the Apollo lunar laser ranging experiment (Chapront, Chapront-Touze, and Francou, 2002).

The largest uncertainty in the eclipse predictions is caused by fluctuations in Earth's rotation due primarily to tidal friction of the Moon. The resultant drift in apparent clock time is expressed as ΔT and is determined as follows:

  1. pre-1950's: ΔT calculated from empirical fits to historical records derived by Morrison and Stephenson (2004)
  2. 1955-present: ΔT obtained from published observations
  3. future: ΔT is extrapolated from current values weighted by the long term trend from tidal effects

A series of polynomial expressions have been derived to simplify the evaluation of ΔT for any time from -1999 to +3000. The uncertainty in ΔT over this period can be estimated from scatter in the measurements.


[1] Hybrid eclipses are also known as annular/total eclipses. Such an eclipse is both total and annular along different sections of its umbral path. (See: Five Millennium Catalog of Hybrid Solar Eclipses)

[2] The terms BCE and CE are abbreviations for "Before Common Era" and "Common Era," respectively. They are the secular equivalents to the BC and AD dating conventions. (See: Year Dating Conventions )

[3] Central solar eclipses are eclipses in which the central axis of the Moon's shadow strikes the Earth's surface. All partial (penumbral) eclipses are non-central eclipses since the shadow axis misses Earth. However, umbral eclipses (total, annular and hybrid) may be either central (usually) or non-central (rarely).

[4] Greatest eclipse is defined as the instant when the axis of the Moon's shadow passes closest to the Earth's center. For total eclipses, the instant of greatest eclipse is virtually identical to the instants of greatest magnitude and greatest duration. However, for annular eclipses, the instant of greatest duration may occur at either the time of greatest eclipse or near the sunrise and sunset points of the eclipse path.


Special thanks to Dan McGlaun for extracting the individual eclipse maps from the Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000 for use in this catalog.

The Besselian elements used in the predictions were kindly provided by Jean Meeus. All eclipse calculations are by Fred Espenak, and he assumes full responsibility for their accuracy. Some of the information presented on this web site is based on data originally published in Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000

Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by an acknowledgment:

"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak and Jean Meeus (NASA's GSFC)"

Eclipse Links

Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses

Ten Millennium Catalog of Long Solar Eclipses

Catalog of Solar Eclipse Saros Series

World Atlas of Solar Eclipse Paths

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