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Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

1001 CE to 2000 CE

Fred Espenak

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Latitude: 48°52.0'N
Longitude: 002°20.0'E
Time Zone: 1.0 h

Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

The table below summarizes the types and numbers of eclipses visible each century from Paris during the period 1001 CE to 2000 CE . The last two columns list the years in which annular and total eclipses are visible from the city. During this interval, 4 annular eclipses are visible from Paris ( 1310*, 1683, 1764 and 1847 ). For the same period, 2 total eclipses are visible from Paris ( 1406 and 1724 ). Annular and total eclipses are extraordinarily uncommon events when viewed from a single place. On average, an annular eclipse is seen once every 224 years, while a total eclipse is seen once every 375 years. However, there can be significant variations in these averages.

BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era) are secular alternatives for the terms BC and AD, respectively. For more information, see Year Dating Conventions.

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Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France
Number of EclipsesDates of Eclipses
Date IntervalAll
Dates of
Annular Eclipses
Dates of
Total Eclipses
1001 CE - 1100 CE 44 44 0 0 - -
1101 CE - 1200 CE 36 36 0 0 - -
1201 CE - 1300 CE 37 37 0 0 - -
1301 CE - 1400 CE 40 39 1 0 1310* -
1401 CE - 1500 CE 43 42 0 1 - 1406
1501 CE - 1600 CE 39 39 0 0 - -
1601 CE - 1700 CE 34 33 1 0 1683 -
1701 CE - 1800 CE 46 44 1 1 1764 1724
1801 CE - 1900 CE 41 40 1 0 1847 -
1901 CE - 2000 CE 43 43 0 0 - -

Years marked by '*' indicate eclipse path passes within 15 km of central Paris

BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era) are secular alternatives for the terms BC and AD, respectively. For more information, see Year Dating Conventions.

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Catalog of Solar Eclipses Visible from
Paris, France

The following catalog presents circumstances for every solar eclipse visible from Paris during the period 1001 CE to 2000 CE . For convenience, all dates and times are given in local standard time (= GMT + 1.0) . Note that if daylight savings time is in effect, then one hour must be added to the times. In addition to the date and the type of eclipse visible from Paris , the local times for the beginning, maximum and end of the eclipse are given. For maximum eclipse, each catalog lists the Sun's altitude and azimuth as well as the magnitude (fraction of Sun's diameter covered) and obscuration (fraction of Sun's area covered). The number of years elapsed since the previous eclipse visible from Paris is listed next. If the eclipse is annular or total from some portion of the Earth's surface, then the distance (km) from Paris to the center and edge of the eclipse path are provided.

Special notes (last column) call attention to major partial eclipses (magnitude ≥ 0.75 ), or occasions when a total or annular eclipse path passes within 500 km of Paris . Finally, if the eclipse is actually annular or total from Paris , then the duration of annularity or totality is given. For a complete description of each item in the catalog, please see Key to Solar Eclipse Viewing Circumstances. For a basic explanation on why solar eclipses occur, see Eclipses for Beginners.

Minor partial eclipses in the catalog appear in plain gray text. To assist in readability, major eclipses are identified using several color fonts. The following table is a key to eclipse types and colors.

ColorType of EclipseDescription
Gray minor partial eclipse magnitude ≥ 0.75
Purple major partial eclipse magnitude ≥ 0.75
Light Green major partial eclipse
(near Annular path)
within 500 km of Annular path
Green ANNULAR ECLIPSE inside the path or
within 15 km of path edge
Light Blue major partial eclipse
(near Total path)
within 500 km of Total path
Blue TOTAL ECLIPSE inside the path or
within 15 km of path edge

Two additional catalogs are also available which focus on major eclipses (with magnitudes greater than 0.75 ), and on annular and total eclipses. The catalogs should prove useful for historical research or for planning future observations.

Major Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris

Annular and Total Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris

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Index to Catalogs of Solar Eclipses Visible from
Paris, France

Introduction (Top)

1001 CE to 1100 CE
1101 CE to 1200 CE
1201 CE to 1300 CE
1301 CE to 1400 CE
1401 CE to 1500 CE
1501 CE to 1600 CE
1601 CE to 1700 CE
1701 CE to 1800 CE
1801 CE to 1900 CE
1901 CE to 2000 CE

Additional Solar Eclipse Catalogs

All times are in Local Standard Time. (Add one hour when Daylight Savings Time is in effect.)

Key to Eclipse Circumstances Catalog
Blue Bar

Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

1001 CE to 1100 CE

Blue Bar

            Eclipse Eclipse  Maximum  Eclipse Sun  Sun  Eclip. Eclip.  Last    Dist.  Dist.   Special
     Date     Type  Begins   Eclipse   Ends   Alt  Azm   Mag.   Obs.  Eclipse Center  Edge    Notes
                      h  m     h  m     h  m    °    °                  yrs     km     km

1004 Jan 24 H:p 14:51 15:33 16:14 16 216 0.178 0.088 10.4 3039 3028 partial 1009 Mar 29 P:p 07:10 08:01 08:57 15 99 0.460 0.348 5.2 - - partial 1010 Mar 18 A:p 16:59 18:11 19:05s 9 262 0.903 0.855 1.0 297 187 major partial - near annular path 1012 Aug 20 T:p 06:00r 06:00r 06:35 0 73 0.303 0.191 2.4 4294 4273 partial 1013 Jan 14 P:p 11:13 12:27 13:41 20 171 0.598 0.503 0.4 - - partial 1015 Jun 19 A:p 04:49r 04:50 05:29 0 52 0.287 0.176 2.4 4151 4095 partial 1016 Nov 02 P:p 14:09 15:15 16:18 15 220 0.291 0.176 1.4 - - partial 1017 Oct 22 A:p 13:13 14:36 15:56 22 212 0.518 0.402 1.0 2540 2394 partial 1018 Apr 18 T:p 18:13 19:05 19:50s 7 282 0.529 0.426 0.5 1753 1719 partial 1020 Aug 21 P:p 16:19 17:14 18:05 24 258 0.542 0.443 2.3 - - partial 1023 Jan 24 T:p 12:19 13:34 14:47 23 187 0.896 0.878 2.4 682 571 major partial 1025 May 29 T:p 16:52 17:22 17:50 31 270 0.118 0.048 2.3 3441 3351 partial

1030 Aug 31 H:p 14:10 15:26 16:37 36 232 0.787 0.733 5.3 1460 1443 major partial 1032 Jan 15 T:p 11:27 12:04 12:42 20 165 0.121 0.050 1.4 4649 4567 partial 1033 Jun 29 A:p 10:56 12:24 13:54 64 165 0.914 0.888 1.5 320 306 major partial - near annular path 1037 Apr 18 A:p 08:49 10:02 11:21 40 122 0.785 0.721 3.8 1256 1139 major partial 1039 Aug 22 A:p 11:17 12:39 14:01 51 175 0.909 0.883 2.3 347 340 major partial - near annular path 1042 Jun 20 A:p 09:20 09:30 09:39 43 104 0.007 0.001 2.8 6522 6454 partial 1044 Nov 22 A:p 09:34 11:05 12:44 17 157 0.866 0.796 2.4 622 364 major partial - near annular path 1046 Apr 09 A:p 06:04r 06:11 07:03 1 76 0.422 0.302 1.4 3592 3453 partial 1047 Sep 22 T:p 07:10 07:46 08:24 9 103 0.219 0.120 1.5 2841 2780 partial

1051 Jul 10 A:p 20:09 20:26 20:44 2 301 0.052 0.014 3.8 4836 4794 partial 1052 Jun 29 P:p 05:18 06:00 06:45 9 65 0.451 0.342 1.0 - - partial 1055 Apr 29 A:p 18:15 19:05 19:51 9 284 0.323 0.207 2.8 3273 3155 partial 1058 Feb 25 T:p 15:42 16:41 17:36 17 237 0.484 0.375 2.8 1838 1820 partial 1060 Jun 30 P:p 17:46 18:39 19:28 19 283 0.499 0.390 2.3 - - partial 1061 Jun 20 T:p 05:21 05:55 06:30 9 64 0.254 0.149 1.0 3226 3134 partial 1063 May 01 P:p 05:48 06:09 06:30 7 72 0.073 0.024 1.9 - - partial 1064 Apr 19 A:p 13:19 14:50 16:14 46 226 0.704 0.619 1.0 1215 1109 partial 1067 Feb 16 P:p 13:59 14:40 15:20 27 206 0.156 0.073 2.8 - - partial 1070 Jul 10 T:p 14:34 15:14 15:53 51 238 0.158 0.074 3.4 5242 4950 partial 1070 Dec 05 P:p 14:29 15:29 16:26 9 217 0.219 0.115 0.4 - - partial 1071 Nov 24 A:p 13:59 15:23 16:40 11 218 0.507 0.389 1.0 3067 2895 partial 1072 May 20 T:p 16:16 16:48 17:19 35 262 0.110 0.043 0.5 3192 3151 partial 1074 Sep 23 P:p 16:12 17:05 17:54 14 250 0.421 0.308 2.3 - - partial

1076 Sep 01 A:p 06:27 07:02 07:39 7 89 0.147 0.065 1.9 3130 3001 partial 1077 Feb 25 T:p 14:42 15:39 16:32 25 223 0.427 0.317 0.5 2480 2361 partial 1079 Jul 01 T:p 13:42 14:51 15:56 55 232 0.666 0.593 2.3 1359 1243 partial 1084 Oct 02 A:p 13:22 14:45 16:03 28 216 0.839 0.792 5.3 1003 970 major partial 1086 Feb 16 T:p 13:54 15:01 16:05 26 212 0.622 0.537 1.4 1587 1500 partial 1087 Aug 01 A:p 07:30 08:21 09:16 27 95 0.351 0.235 1.5 2514 2499 partial 1091 May 21 A:p 05:18 06:09 07:04 10 69 0.541 0.432 3.8 3042 2930 partial 1093 Sep 23 A:p 09:39 10:56 12:18 34 148 0.805 0.746 2.3 738 682 major partial 1098 Dec 25 A:p 10:45 12:20 13:57 18 171 0.742 0.656 5.3 1692 1467 partial

All times are in Local Standard Time. (Add one hour when Daylight Savings Time is in effect.)

Key to Eclipse Circumstances Catalog
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Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

1101 CE to 1200 CE

Blue Bar

            Eclipse Eclipse  Maximum  Eclipse Sun  Sun  Eclip. Eclip.  Last    Dist.  Dist.   Special
     Date     Type  Begins   Eclipse   Ends   Alt  Azm   Mag.   Obs.  Eclipse Center  Edge    Notes
                      h  m     h  m     h  m    °    °                  yrs     km     km

1109 May 31 A:p 12:42 14:14 15:41 59 221 0.693 0.609 10.4 1191 1121 partial 1112 Mar 29 T:p 15:33 16:27 17:19 28 245 0.391 0.278 2.8 2147 2094 partial 1113 Mar 19 T:p 06:46r 06:46r 07:21 0 87 0.503 0.400 1.0 3643 3515 partial 1118 May 22 A:p 07:57 09:01 10:12 38 101 0.462 0.344 5.2 3212 2993 partial 1119 May 11 A:p 09:24 10:15 11:09 48 121 0.193 0.097 1.0 3218 3119 partial 1124 Aug 11 T:p 11:50 13:02 14:14 54 184 0.630 0.549 5.3 1766 1638 partial 1125 Dec 26 A:p 15:35 16:55 17:02s 1 233 0.755 0.674 1.4 1077 913 major partial

1127 Jun 11 A:p 20:34 20:51s 20:51s 0 308 0.230 0.126 1.5 3083 2974 partial 1131 Mar 30 T:p 15:18 16:12 17:04 30 241 0.399 0.289 3.8 2398 2271 partial 1132 Mar 19 P:p 06:45r 06:45r 07:11 0 86 0.157 0.073 1.0 - - partial 1133 Aug 02 T:p 11:30 12:45 13:58 57 175 0.913 0.905 1.4 443 321 major partial - near total path 1136 Jan 05 P:p 09:21 09:58 10:38 9 138 0.131 0.055 2.4 - - partial 1136 Jun 01 A:p 17:00 17:58 18:51 25 277 0.371 0.252 0.4 4956 4454 partial 1137 May 21 A:p 17:44 18:32 19:17 18 282 0.262 0.151 1.0 3218 3098 partial 1138 Nov 04 A:p 14:26 15:46 16:58 12 226 0.651 0.559 1.5 2052 1968 partial 1140 Mar 20 T:p 14:52 16:02 17:08 29 236 0.896 0.881 1.4 518 408 major partial - near total path 1141 Sep 02 H:p 06:20r 06:22 06:33 1 81 0.017 0.003 1.5 3717 3692 partial 1147 Oct 26 A:p 09:26 10:45 12:10 22 151 0.882 0.834 6.1 419 315 major partial - near annular path

1153 Jan 26 A:p 11:39 13:13 14:43 24 182 0.881 0.822 5.3 461 291 major partial - near annular path 1163 Jul 03 A:p 07:12 08:12 09:17 29 89 0.470 0.353 10.4 2251 2161 partial 1164 Jun 21 P:p 08:32 09:06 09:41 39 99 0.094 0.034 1.0 - - partial 1166 May 01 T:p 14:43 14:57 15:12 49 231 0.021 0.004 1.9 3391 3302 partial 1167 Apr 21 T:p 05:40r 06:11 06:49 5 74 0.318 0.207 1.0 4623 4497 partial 1173 Jun 12 A:p 04:48r 04:58 05:43 1 54 0.337 0.218 6.1 3403 3266 partial

1176 Apr 11 T:p 05:57r 06:03 06:52 1 74 0.661 0.585 2.8 2364 2232 partial 1178 Sep 13 T:p 11:10 12:25 13:41 42 174 0.900 0.884 2.4 522 422 major partial - near total path 1180 Jan 28 A:p 16:40 17:50s 17:50s 0 245 0.812 0.745 1.4 724 587 major partial 1181 Jul 13 A:p 15:56 16:50 17:41 36 261 0.258 0.149 1.5 3139 3053 partial 1182 Jul 02 A:p 17:03 18:02 18:56 25 276 0.384 0.264 1.0 5197 4496 partial 1185 May 01 T:p 14:07 15:17 16:23 46 237 0.732 0.676 2.8 1093 962 partial 1186 Apr 21 P:p 05:39r 05:50 06:33 2 70 0.410 0.297 1.0 - - partial 1187 Sep 04 T:p 10:46 11:55 13:04 45 162 0.696 0.630 1.4 1315 1193 partial 1190 Feb 06 P:p 11:25 11:51 12:18 26 160 0.059 0.017 2.4 - - partial 1191 Jun 23 A:p 10:41 12:17 13:55 64 162 0.846 0.791 1.4 533 437 major partial - near annular path 1192 Dec 06 A:p 16:22 16:51s 16:51s 0 233 0.378 0.258 1.5 793 745 partial 1194 Apr 22 T:p 14:26 15:28 16:27 42 238 0.471 0.365 1.4 2410 2254 partial

All times are in Local Standard Time. (Add one hour when Daylight Savings Time is in effect.)

Key to Eclipse Circumstances Catalog
Blue Bar

Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

1201 CE to 1300 CE

Blue Bar

            Eclipse Eclipse  Maximum  Eclipse Sun  Sun  Eclip. Eclip.  Last    Dist.  Dist.   Special
     Date     Type  Begins   Eclipse   Ends   Alt  Azm   Mag.   Obs.  Eclipse Center  Edge    Notes
                      h  m     h  m     h  m    °    °                  yrs     km     km

1201 Nov 27 A:p 10:27 11:54 13:26 18 168 0.758 0.680 7.6 1170 1026 major partial 1207 Feb 28 A:p 11:07 12:34 14:02 35 171 0.890 0.842 5.3 403 291 major partial - near annular path 1208 Jul 14 P:p 18:45 19:25 20:03 11 289 0.225 0.121 1.4 - - partial 1209 Jul 03 A:p 19:04 19:54 20:42 7 296 0.426 0.306 1.0 3626 3476 partial 1213 Apr 22 T:p 12:30 13:22 14:14 55 195 0.232 0.130 3.8 2817 2778 partial 1216 Feb 19 A:p 07:44r 07:44r 08:47 0 103 0.716 0.633 2.8 1726 1595 partial 1218 Dec 19 P:p 12:07 12:54 13:41 18 180 0.173 0.084 2.8 - - partial 1224 Mar 21 A:p 18:52 19:13s 19:13s 0 275 0.176 0.084 5.3 2797 2652 partial

1228 Dec 28 A:p 08:50r 08:50r 09:32 0 126 0.464 0.346 4.8 1961 1832 partial 1229 Dec 17 P:p 10:22 11:11 12:01 14 156 0.138 0.059 1.0 - - partial 1230 May 14 T:p 05:04r 05:04r 05:44 0 58 0.813 0.775 0.4 579 362 major partial - near total path 1232 Oct 15 T:p 12:50 13:48 14:45 28 200 0.342 0.230 2.4 3248 3162 partial 1234 Mar 01 A:p 16:43 17:47 18:42s 9 253 0.533 0.423 1.4 2119 2013 partial 1235 Aug 15 A:p 10:39 11:12 11:46 48 142 0.067 0.020 1.5 3489 3388 partial 1236 Aug 03 A:p 10:22 11:49 13:19 54 152 0.552 0.442 1.0 1978 1825 partial 1239 Jun 03 T:p 11:58 13:12 14:26 64 193 0.844 0.819 2.8 674 543 major partial 1241 Oct 06 T:p 11:33 12:45 13:57 33 182 0.900 0.885 2.3 588 468 major partial - near total path 1245 Jul 25 A:p 05:38 06:33 07:33 10 74 0.484 0.367 3.8 2436 2279 partial

1251 Oct 16 P:p 13:38 14:42 15:44 23 214 0.490 0.384 6.2 - - partial 1254 Aug 14 A:p 19:01 19:51s 19:51s 0 289 0.552 0.439 2.8 2964 2768 partial 1255 Dec 30 A:p 12:14 13:49 15:19 18 192 0.702 0.611 1.4 1830 1656 partial 1261 Apr 01 A:p 09:12 10:22 11:37 38 130 0.569 0.464 5.3 1992 1934 partial 1263 Aug 05 A:p 13:58 15:22 16:39 45 235 0.786 0.717 2.3 1084 932 major partial 1267 May 25 T:p 08:49 09:57 11:09 47 113 0.620 0.530 3.8 1530 1501 partial 1270 Mar 23 A:p 06:36r 06:50 07:53 2 86 0.915 0.882 2.8 601 493 major partial - near annular path

1276 Jun 13 T:p 19:23 20:12 20:53s 5 300 0.570 0.472 6.2 3382 3278 partial 1279 Apr 12 A:p 18:17 19:20 19:44s 4 283 0.786 0.721 2.8 823 749 major partial 1283 Jan 30 A:p 08:34 09:44 10:59 12 131 0.498 0.382 3.8 3557 3448 partial 1284 Jan 19 P:p 10:46 11:36 12:26 20 158 0.146 0.064 1.0 - - partial 1285 Jun 04 H:p 18:01 18:51 19:38 17 286 0.431 0.317 1.4 2712 2701 partial 1286 Nov 17 T:p 16:03 16:51 16:58s 1 236 0.307 0.196 1.5 3105 3053 partial 1288 Apr 02 A:p 15:26 16:19 17:08 31 245 0.247 0.141 1.4 4000 3921 partial 1290 Sep 05 A:p 06:26r 07:30 08:45 10 96 0.904 0.847 2.4 275 126 major partial - near annular path 1293 Jul 05 T:p 09:52 10:41 11:32 52 123 0.294 0.186 2.8 2571 2454 partial 1295 Nov 08 T:p 14:08 15:20 16:29 13 220 0.826 0.788 2.3 1776 1636 major partial 1298 Apr 12 P:p 10:55 11:23 11:52 48 147 0.078 0.026 2.4 - - partial 1300 Aug 15 H:p 09:34 10:41 11:51 44 133 0.528 0.423 2.3 1687 1674 partial

All times are in Local Standard Time. (Add one hour when Daylight Savings Time is in effect.)

Key to Eclipse Circumstances Catalog
Blue Bar

Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

1301 CE to 1400 CE

Blue Bar

            Eclipse Eclipse  Maximum  Eclipse Sun  Sun  Eclip. Eclip.  Last    Dist.  Dist.   Special
     Date     Type  Begins   Eclipse   Ends   Alt  Azm   Mag.   Obs.  Eclipse Center  Edge    Notes
                      h  m     h  m     h  m    °    °                  yrs     km     km

1305 Nov 17 P:p 16:23 16:57s 16:57s 0 238 0.353 0.239 5.3 - - partial 1308 Sep 15 A:p 16:02 16:59 17:53 17 250 0.282 0.169 2.8 4051 3900 partial 1310 Jan 31 A:p 13:08 14:43 16:10 23 205 0.931 0.870 1.4 200 13 ANNULAR - 13 km to path 1312 Jul 05 T:p 06:59 07:56 08:58 26 86 0.619 0.529 2.4 2065 2025 partial 1315 May 04 A:p 06:55 07:13 07:31 18 83 0.044 0.011 2.8 5116 5096 partial 1317 Sep 06 A:p 10:37 11:20 12:05 41 151 0.126 0.052 2.3 5164 4697 partial 1318 Mar 03 H:p 18:41 18:46s 18:46s 0 265 0.051 0.014 0.5 2914 2912 partial 1320 Jul 06 P:p 19:06 19:40 20:13 9 293 0.260 0.155 2.3 - - partial 1321 Jun 26 H:p 05:23 06:20 07:21 12 69 0.945 0.928 1.0 252 239 major partial - near annular path 1322 Dec 09 T:p 08:45r 08:45r 09:27 0 127 0.309 0.198 1.5 3012 2962 partial 1324 Apr 24 P:p 05:31r 05:31r 05:50 0 66 0.331 0.216 1.4 - - partial 1325 Apr 13 T:p 19:18 19:47s 19:47s 0 289 0.333 0.221 1.0 2620 2554 partial

1330 Jul 16 T:p 16:08 17:17 18:21 31 265 0.912 0.891 5.3 503 473 major partial - near total path 1333 May 14 A:p 14:38 15:59 17:14 42 251 0.823 0.774 2.8 647 632 major partial 1337 Mar 03 A:p 08:23 09:27 10:35 20 121 0.424 0.304 3.8 3321 3221 partial 1338 Feb 20 P:p 09:44 10:37 11:32 25 139 0.202 0.103 1.0 - - partial 1339 Jul 07 H:p 13:49 15:10 16:25 52 237 0.864 0.827 1.4 621 620 major partial 1341 Dec 09 P:p 08:45r 09:09 10:10 3 131 0.488 0.379 2.4 - - partial 1345 Sep 26 P:p 11:17 12:21 13:25 37 174 0.333 0.218 3.8 - - partial

1352 May 14 T:p 08:24 09:19 10:19 40 106 0.529 0.429 6.6 3299 3074 partial 1354 Sep 17 H:p 08:12 09:18 10:29 24 122 0.790 0.735 2.3 763 757 major partial 1355 Mar 14 A:p 17:55 18:56 19:03s 1 270 0.547 0.436 0.5 1771 1646 partial 1361 May 05 T:p 08:18 09:11 10:07 37 106 0.457 0.350 6.1 2356 2243 partial 1362 Oct 18 A:p 15:00 15:30 15:59 17 225 0.055 0.015 1.5 4913 4773 partial 1364 Mar 04 A:p 12:06 13:36 15:04 38 191 0.631 0.529 1.4 2087 1825 partial 1365 Feb 21 A:p 13:25 13:47 14:09 33 193 0.025 0.005 1.0 3926 3780 partial 1366 Aug 07 H:p 05:45r 05:45r 06:16 0 68 0.543 0.437 1.5 610 595 partial 1370 May 25 T:p 18:06 18:51 19:33 16 286 0.361 0.249 3.8 3522 3359 partial

1376 Jul 17 A:p 06:43 07:34 08:29 21 84 0.315 0.199 6.1 2600 2493 partial 1377 Jan 10 T:p 11:58 12:42 13:25 21 175 0.174 0.085 0.5 3691 3621 partial 1379 May 16 T:p 17:42 18:36 19:27 17 282 0.672 0.599 2.3 1513 1403 partial 1384 Aug 17 A:p 12:42 14:06 15:25 49 208 0.777 0.718 5.3 967 967 major partial 1385 Aug 06 P:p 19:56 20:04s 20:04s 0 292 0.077 0.025 1.0 - - partial 1386 Jan 01 T:p 09:43 10:55 12:11 14 150 0.954 0.950 0.4 450 339 major partial - near total path 1387 Jun 16 H:p 10:31 11:22 12:14 59 137 0.220 0.120 1.5 2855 2838 partial 1391 Apr 05 A:p 06:42 07:18 07:54 11 89 0.152 0.068 3.8 5272 5184 partial 1392 Mar 24 P:p 07:05 08:05 09:10 15 100 0.487 0.368 1.0 - - partial 1393 Aug 08 A:p 10:12 10:56 11:41 47 135 0.138 0.060 1.4 3967 3897 partial 1396 Jan 11 P:p 11:24 12:35 13:46 21 173 0.569 0.471 2.4 - - partial 1399 Oct 29 P:p 11:38 13:01 14:24 25 187 0.763 0.698 3.8 - - major partial

All times are in Local Standard Time. (Add one hour when Daylight Savings Time is in effect.)

Key to Eclipse Circumstances Catalog
Blue Bar

Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

1401 CE to 1500 CE

Blue Bar

            Eclipse Eclipse  Maximum  Eclipse Sun  Sun  Eclip. Eclip.  Last    Dist.  Dist.   Special
     Date     Type  Begins   Eclipse   Ends   Alt  Azm   Mag.   Obs.  Eclipse Center  Edge    Notes
                      h  m     h  m     h  m    °    °                  yrs     km     km

1406 Jun 16 T:t 06:10 07:04 08:02 19 76 1.018 1.000 6.6 48 -97 TOTAL - 02m43s 1408 Oct 19 H:p 08:43 09:47 10:55 18 137 0.648 0.562 2.3 1303 1299 partial 1409 Apr 15 A:p 14:43 16:09 17:28 35 247 0.878 0.829 0.5 383 291 major partial - near annular path 1411 Aug 19 A:p 18:26 19:27 19:40s 2 283 0.929 0.896 2.3 760 565 major partial 1415 Jun 07 T:p 06:13 07:07 08:05 20 77 0.932 0.928 3.8 452 312 major partial - near total path 1416 Nov 19 A:p 15:40 15:59 16:17 7 226 0.024 0.004 1.5 4296 4154 partial 1418 Apr 06 P:p 09:04 10:12 11:25 39 126 0.415 0.294 1.4 - - partial 1419 Mar 26 A:p 09:39 10:35 11:34 38 134 0.217 0.115 1.0 3508 3386 partial 1424 Jun 26 T:p 15:17 16:26 17:29 41 258 0.825 0.792 5.3 882 748 major partial 1425 Nov 10 P:p 09:01 09:38 10:17 11 138 0.119 0.048 1.4 - - partial

1431 Feb 12 T:p 14:29 15:35 16:38 22 220 0.750 0.694 5.3 972 896 major partial 1433 Jun 17 T:p 15:27 16:33 17:34 40 260 0.932 0.929 2.3 460 303 major partial - near total path 1436 Apr 16 P:p 19:12 19:19 19:27 5 285 0.006 0.001 2.8 - - partial 1437 Apr 05 A:p 18:20 19:25 19:37s 2 283 0.707 0.616 1.0 1148 994 partial 1438 Sep 19 A:p 10:35 11:46 13:00 38 162 0.447 0.332 1.5 2194 2154 partial 1439 Sep 08 P:p 16:14 17:22 18:25 15 256 0.517 0.401 1.0 - - partial 1440 Feb 03 T:p 13:09 14:23 15:34 25 201 0.794 0.748 0.4 1371 1232 major partial 1446 Apr 26 P:p 05:28r 05:28r 05:39 0 65 0.184 0.090 6.2 - - partial 1448 Aug 29 A:p 09:23 10:48 12:18 40 139 0.784 0.709 2.3 712 587 major partial 1450 Feb 12 P:p 14:31 14:57 15:22 26 211 0.061 0.018 1.5 - - partial

1453 Nov 30 A:p 14:10 15:29 16:41 9 218 0.796 0.738 3.8 1979 1797 major partial 1460 Jul 18 T:p 05:19r 05:19r 06:00 0 59 0.591 0.502 6.6 1992 1884 partial 1462 Nov 21 H:p 11:20 12:02 12:46 19 171 0.149 0.068 2.3 3610 3600 partial 1463 May 18 A:p 09:51 10:54 12:01 54 131 0.325 0.208 0.5 2618 2540 partial 1464 May 06 A:p 10:29 11:30 12:36 56 146 0.266 0.156 1.0 4397 4045 partial 1465 Sep 20 P:p 16:17 17:28 18:31s 10 254 0.739 0.660 1.4 - - partial 1469 Jul 09 T:p 05:08r 05:16 06:04 1 58 0.643 0.565 3.8 2028 1846 partial 1470 Dec 22 A:p 16:19 17:00s 17:00s 0 234 0.304 0.188 1.5 2614 2485 partial 1472 May 08 P:p 05:20 05:57 06:35 7 68 0.204 0.106 1.4 - - partial 1473 Apr 27 A:p 05:40 06:31 07:27 10 76 0.431 0.311 1.0 3236 3084 partial

1478 Jul 29 T:p 12:52 14:05 15:15 55 210 0.755 0.704 5.3 1058 935 major partial 1479 Jul 19 P:p 05:23 05:45 06:08 4 64 0.104 0.040 1.0 - - partial 1479 Dec 13 P:p 09:55 11:09 12:27 14 156 0.503 0.388 0.4 - - partial 1481 May 28 A:p 18:26 19:05 19:42 14 288 0.177 0.086 1.5 3389 3286 partial 1482 May 17 A:p 19:03 19:57 20:34s 5 297 0.448 0.328 1.0 3257 2993 partial 1485 Mar 16 T:p 15:43 16:48 17:50 22 246 0.951 0.949 2.8 260 171 major partial - near total path 1487 Jul 20 T:p 13:25 14:23 15:20 55 218 0.427 0.318 2.3 2978 2757 partial 1488 Jul 09 T:p 05:24 05:57 06:30 7 65 0.228 0.128 1.0 3044 2958 partial 1491 May 08 A:p 13:26 14:59 16:25 50 234 0.733 0.653 2.8 1068 952 partial 1492 Oct 21 A:p 10:34 11:11 11:48 24 157 0.090 0.032 1.5 3691 3613 partial 1493 Oct 10 P:p 13:25 14:58 16:24 23 219 0.745 0.659 1.0 - - partial 1494 Mar 07 T:p 15:26 16:10 16:51 25 234 0.219 0.120 0.4 5261 4747 partial 1497 Jul 29 P:p 14:36 15:12 15:46 47 232 0.131 0.057 3.4 - - partial

All times are in Local Standard Time. (Add one hour when Daylight Savings Time is in effect.)

Key to Eclipse Circumstances Catalog
Blue Bar

Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

1501 CE to 1600 CE

Blue Bar

            Eclipse Eclipse  Maximum  Eclipse Sun  Sun  Eclip. Eclip.  Last    Dist.  Dist.   Special
     Date     Type  Begins   Eclipse   Ends   Alt  Azm   Mag.   Obs.  Eclipse Center  Edge    Notes
                      h  m     h  m     h  m    °    °                  yrs     km     km

1502 Oct 01 A:p 07:07r 07:45 09:00 6 107 0.762 0.676 5.2 802 629 major partial 1506 Jul 20 T:p 14:00 14:49 15:36 52 227 0.270 0.164 3.8 2779 2674 partial 1513 Mar 07 H:p 12:28 13:31 14:33 39 190 0.336 0.222 6.6 2629 2627 partial 1516 Dec 23 T:p 15:09 15:50 16:29 8 220 0.160 0.075 3.8 3640 3631 partial 1518 Jun 08 A:p 05:12 06:10 07:12 11 67 0.766 0.690 1.5 1374 1197 major partial 1519 Oct 23 P:p 15:26 16:40 17:27s 7 239 0.565 0.454 1.4 - - partial 1520 Oct 11 A:p 16:35 17:26 17:47s 3 250 0.212 0.111 1.0 5909 5724 partial 1525 Jan 23 A:p 17:06 17:46s 17:46s 0 244 0.499 0.383 4.3 1280 1179 partial

1530 Mar 29 P:p 06:19r 06:31 07:23 2 81 0.701 0.633 5.2 - - partial 1532 Aug 30 T:p 12:01 12:49 13:37 47 181 0.237 0.136 2.4 2904 2797 partial 1534 Jan 14 P:p 11:55 13:15 14:33 22 183 0.526 0.415 1.4 - - partial 1536 Jun 18 A:p 12:35 14:10 15:39 60 218 0.666 0.574 2.4 1343 1232 partial 1539 Apr 18 T:p 15:27 16:32 17:32 33 253 0.707 0.643 2.8 1103 1002 partial 1540 Apr 07 T:p 06:00r 06:00r 06:33 0 74 0.611 0.519 1.0 988 955 partial 1541 Aug 21 P:p 12:29 12:58 13:28 50 183 0.087 0.031 1.4 - - partial 1544 Jan 24 H:p 08:28 09:38 10:54 10 130 0.971 0.963 2.4 405 393 major partial - near annular path 1545 Jun 09 A:p 07:37 08:36 09:41 35 93 0.399 0.281 1.4 3234 3068 partial 1547 Nov 12 A:p 12:28 14:10 15:45 18 203 0.903 0.827 2.4 685 96 major partial - annular path 96 km

1551 Aug 31 T:p 12:39 13:49 14:57 44 202 0.621 0.537 3.8 2402 2212 partial 1554 Jun 29 A:p 20:21 20:50s 20:50s 0 306 0.334 0.216 2.8 3564 3417 partial 1558 Apr 18 T:p 13:45 14:23 15:01 50 218 0.116 0.047 3.8 4143 4096 partial 1560 Aug 21 T:p 11:44 12:55 14:06 50 182 0.692 0.622 2.3 1216 1137 partial 1563 Jun 20 A:p 16:27 17:33 18:33 30 272 0.544 0.435 2.8 3255 3004 partial 1567 Apr 09 H:p 10:49 12:09 13:32 51 164 0.746 0.680 3.8 1057 1053 partial 1571 Jan 25 T:p 17:32 17:49s 17:49s 0 245 0.265 0.157 3.8 1484 1462 partial 1573 Jun 29 P:p 06:12 06:40 07:08 14 72 0.118 0.048 2.4 - - partial 1573 Nov 24 P:p 16:02 16:52s 16:52s 0 235 0.345 0.225 0.4 - - partial 1574 Nov 13 A:p 15:40 16:51 16:59s 1 237 0.373 0.250 1.0 3488 3274 partial

1579 Feb 25 A:p 17:13 18:18 18:39s 3 258 0.746 0.670 4.3 874 795 partial 1582 Jun 20 T:p 04:53 05:16 05:39 3 57 0.098 0.036 3.3 3969 3960 partial 1584 May 10 P:p 05:19r 05:40 06:16 3 66 0.301 0.191 1.9 - - partial 1585 Apr 29 H:p 19:54 19:59s 19:59s 0 293 0.089 0.031 1.0 1487 1463 partial 1588 Feb 26 P:p 13:38 14:23 15:07 30 202 0.150 0.068 2.8 - - partial 1590 Jul 31 A:p 06:48 07:52 09:03 23 88 0.622 0.521 2.4 1546 1442 partial 1591 Jul 20 P:p 15:29 15:52 16:15 45 247 0.046 0.012 1.0 - - partial 1593 May 30 T:p 14:04 14:53 15:40 53 234 0.260 0.156 1.9 2597 2487 partial 1595 Oct 03 P:p 12:26 12:57 13:28 37 185 0.100 0.038 2.3 - - partial 1598 Mar 07 T:p 10:09 11:22 12:37 32 150 0.914 0.898 2.4 611 537 major partial 1600 Jul 10 T:p 12:13 13:31 14:47 62 198 0.675 0.597 2.3 1238 1195 partial

All times are in Local Standard Time. (Add one hour when Daylight Savings Time is in effect.)

Key to Eclipse Circumstances Catalog
Blue Bar

Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

1601 CE to 1700 CE

Blue Bar

            Eclipse Eclipse  Maximum  Eclipse Sun  Sun  Eclip. Eclip.  Last    Dist.  Dist.   Special
     Date     Type  Begins   Eclipse   Ends   Alt  Azm   Mag.   Obs.  Eclipse Center  Edge    Notes
                      h  m     h  m     h  m    °    °                  yrs     km     km

1601 Dec 24 A:p 12:55 14:35 16:06 14 204 0.856 0.779 1.5 766 367 major partial - near annular path 1605 Oct 12 T:p 12:37 13:55 15:10 31 203 0.920 0.907 3.8 570 475 major partial - near total path 1607 Feb 26 T:p 09:03 09:42 10:24 17 127 0.182 0.091 1.4 4335 4278 partial 1608 Aug 10 A:p 15:51 16:38 17:22 34 254 0.180 0.088 1.5 3669 3583 partial 1612 May 30 T:p 10:02 11:15 12:33 57 138 0.673 0.594 3.8 1478 1445 partial 1614 Oct 03 T:p 10:59 12:13 13:28 37 172 0.808 0.762 2.3 799 753 major partial 1621 May 21 A:p 07:49 08:57 10:13 36 101 0.916 0.892 6.6 407 389 major partial - near annular path

1628 Dec 25 A:p 15:57 16:55s 16:55s 0 233 0.533 0.414 7.6 1892 1678 partial 1630 Jun 10 H:p 19:05 20:02 20:48s 6 298 0.956 0.944 1.5 229 226 major partial - near annular path 1633 Apr 08 A:p 16:07 17:12 18:13 22 256 0.548 0.442 2.8 1609 1574 partial 1635 Aug 12 P:p 19:01 19:52 20:08s 3 290 0.483 0.367 2.3 - - partial 1639 Jun 01 A:p 17:06 18:12 19:12 22 279 0.752 0.685 3.8 1324 1288 major partial 1645 Aug 21 H:p 10:58 12:06 13:14 52 161 0.400 0.286 6.2 3016 3002 partial 1649 Nov 04 P:p 13:36 14:32 15:27 20 210 0.372 0.260 4.2 - - partial

1652 Apr 08 T:p 10:21 11:31 12:45 45 151 0.867 0.842 2.4 729 625 major partial 1654 Aug 12 T:p 08:57 10:09 11:24 42 120 0.771 0.717 2.3 896 849 major partial 1655 Feb 06 A:p 14:28 15:21 16:11 19 215 0.207 0.107 0.5 2971 2843 partial 1656 Jan 26 A:p 13:24 14:54 16:17 18 207 0.658 0.554 1.0 1717 1390 partial 1659 Nov 14 T:p 14:35 15:47 16:53 11 226 0.680 0.602 3.8 1909 1880 partial 1661 Mar 30 T:p 09:40 10:44 11:52 37 137 0.600 0.512 1.4 1964 1858 partial 1664 Jan 28 P:p 08:31r 08:31r 08:56 0 118 0.154 0.069 2.8 - - partial 1666 Jul 02 H:p 06:37 07:34 08:36 24 81 0.654 0.568 2.4 1622 1621 partial 1668 Nov 04 H:p 11:53 13:07 14:21 25 189 0.591 0.494 2.3 1933 1921 partial 1672 Aug 22 T:p 18:31 19:10 19:47 6 281 0.265 0.158 3.8 5238 5181 partial 1675 Jun 23 A:p 04:51r 05:23 06:16 4 58 0.615 0.518 2.8 2836 2719 partial

1676 Jun 11 A:p 08:43 09:50 11:03 46 110 0.410 0.291 1.0 2278 2184 partial 1679 Apr 10 T:p 19:27 19:32s 19:32s 0 283 0.090 0.032 2.8 864 856 partial 1683 Jan 27 A:a 16:17 17:37 17:37s 0 242 0.909 0.825 3.8 223 -1 ANNULAR - 00m33s 1684 Jul 12 H:p 15:22 16:34 17:39 39 258 0.650 0.563 1.5 1485 1482 partial 1687 May 11 H:p 13:59 14:39 15:19 52 226 0.136 0.059 2.8 3062 3052 partial 1689 Sep 13 P:p 16:31 17:04 17:35 19 252 0.109 0.042 2.3 - - partial 1693 Jul 03 P:p 13:43 13:50 13:56 62 208 0.003 0.000 3.8 - - partial 1694 Jun 22 A:p 17:26 18:08 18:48 25 278 0.186 0.092 1.0 3760 3650 partial 1699 Sep 23 H:p 08:58 10:10 11:28 31 134 0.802 0.751 5.3 867 854 major partial

All times are in Local Standard Time. (Add one hour when Daylight Savings Time is in effect.)

Key to Eclipse Circumstances Catalog
Blue Bar

Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

1701 CE to 1800 CE

Blue Bar

            Eclipse Eclipse  Maximum  Eclipse Sun  Sun  Eclip. Eclip.  Last    Dist.  Dist.   Special
     Date     Type  Begins   Eclipse   Ends   Alt  Azm   Mag.   Obs.  Eclipse Center  Edge    Notes
                      h  m     h  m     h  m    °    °                  yrs     km     km

1703 Dec 08 P:p 16:44 16:51s 16:51s 0 234 0.056 0.016 4.2 - - partial 1706 May 12 T:p 09:12 10:18 11:28 47 122 0.915 0.905 2.4 496 372 major partial - near total path 1708 Sep 14 T:p 07:36 08:29 09:25 19 108 0.422 0.309 2.3 2297 2251 partial 1709 Mar 11 A:p 13:43 14:42 15:38 33 210 0.246 0.138 0.5 2765 2646 partial 1710 Feb 28 A:p 12:39 14:07 15:31 32 198 0.614 0.506 1.0 1754 1509 partial 1711 Jul 15 P:p 20:08 20:46s 20:46s 0 304 0.609 0.511 1.4 - - partial 1715 May 03 T:p 09:00 10:05 11:16 43 121 0.941 0.939 3.8 428 277 major partial - near total path 1718 Mar 02 P:p 07:35r 07:45 08:29 2 103 0.187 0.092 2.8 - - partial 1719 Feb 19 A:p 07:57r 07:57r 08:06 0 107 0.107 0.040 1.0 2690 2485 partial 1721 Jul 24 P:p 08:12 08:43 09:16 32 96 0.084 0.028 2.4 - - partial 1722 Dec 08 A:p 14:26 15:38 16:44 9 220 0.509 0.399 1.4 2815 2783 partial 1724 May 22 T:t 18:42 19:37 20:29 8 293 1.017 1.000 1.5 36 -71 TOTAL - 02m28s

1726 Sep 25 T:p 17:18 18:13 18:40s 4 264 0.524 0.419 2.3 3637 3600 partial 1727 Sep 15 T:p 07:10 07:53 08:37 13 101 0.331 0.220 1.0 2341 2252 partial 1730 Jul 15 A:p 05:06r 05:06r 05:29 0 56 0.315 0.198 2.8 2256 2107 partial 1732 Dec 17 P:p 10:06 10:12 10:17 10 144 0.002 0.000 2.4 - - partial 1733 May 13 T:p 18:45 19:37 20:19s 6 292 0.783 0.737 0.4 1272 1114 major partial 1736 Oct 04 P:p 17:40 18:20s 18:20s 0 263 0.309 0.198 3.4 - - partial 1737 Mar 01 A:p 15:43 17:05 18:18 13 242 0.754 0.669 0.4 961 768 major partial 1738 Aug 15 A:p 11:01 12:07 13:14 54 160 0.350 0.234 1.5 2423 2404 partial 1739 Aug 04 A:p 16:32 17:42 18:46 25 268 0.619 0.517 1.0 3107 2697 partial 1739 Dec 30 P:p 09:03 09:32 10:02 5 135 0.099 0.037 0.4 - - partial 1748 Jul 25 A:p 10:13 11:47 13:23 58 148 0.775 0.701 8.6 809 694 major partial 1750 Jan 08 H:p 08:54 10:01 11:14 9 139 0.572 0.471 1.5 2636 2622 partial

1753 Oct 26 H:p 09:08 10:19 11:35 22 144 0.739 0.672 3.8 1117 1108 partial 1760 Jun 13 T:p 07:31 08:20 09:12 32 90 0.466 0.360 6.6 2397 2269 partial 1762 Oct 17 T:p 07:44 08:32 09:23 11 118 0.364 0.250 2.3 2651 2606 partial 1764 Apr 01 A:a 10:05 11:32 13:04 43 152 0.952 0.869 1.5 71 -100 ANNULAR - 05m46s 1765 Aug 16 P:p 16:53 17:32 18:09 24 263 0.169 0.081 1.4 - - partial 1766 Aug 05 A:p 18:40 19:32 20:20s 7 288 0.392 0.271 1.0 4248 4067 partial 1769 Jun 04 T:p 07:35 08:24 09:16 32 92 0.445 0.337 2.8 3351 3088 partial 1773 Mar 23 A:p 06:50r 06:50r 06:55 0 88 0.060 0.017 3.8 2536 2314 partial

1777 Jan 09 A:p 17:03 17:11s 17:11s 0 236 0.112 0.044 3.8 1058 1037 partial 1778 Jun 24 T:p 16:46 17:41 18:32 29 273 0.549 0.454 1.5 1879 1758 partial 1779 Jun 14 P:p 08:19 08:56 09:35 38 97 0.208 0.112 1.0 - - partial 1781 Apr 23 A:p 19:31 19:51s 19:51s 0 290 0.108 0.041 1.9 3406 3280 partial 1781 Oct 17 T:p 07:35 08:21 09:09 9 116 0.391 0.279 0.5 2149 2075 partial 1782 Apr 12 A:p 19:18 19:35s 19:35s 0 284 0.204 0.105 0.5 2216 2026 partial 1787 Jan 19 P:p 11:16 11:46 12:17 19 161 0.058 0.016 4.8 - - partial 1787 Jun 15 T:p 17:18 18:06 18:51 25 278 0.438 0.330 0.4 4393 3921 partial 1788 Jun 04 T:p 08:16 09:08 10:03 39 101 0.421 0.311 1.0 2308 2206 partial 1791 Apr 03 A:p 13:28 14:52 16:12 40 220 0.522 0.408 2.8 2251 2062 partial 1792 Sep 16 A:p 08:30 08:43 08:57 21 112 0.017 0.003 1.5 3647 3581 partial 1793 Sep 05 A:p 10:41 12:15 13:50 47 168 0.748 0.666 1.0 1079 913 partial 1794 Jan 31 P:p 12:18 13:01 13:45 24 179 0.176 0.087 0.4 - - partial 1797 Jun 24 T:p 17:53 18:35 19:15 20 283 0.331 0.221 3.4 4981 4531 partial

All times are in Local Standard Time. (Add one hour when Daylight Savings Time is in effect.)

Key to Eclipse Circumstances Catalog
Blue Bar

Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

1801 CE to 1900 CE

Blue Bar

            Eclipse Eclipse  Maximum  Eclipse Sun  Sun  Eclip. Eclip.  Last    Dist.  Dist.   Special
     Date     Type  Begins   Eclipse   Ends   Alt  Azm   Mag.   Obs.  Eclipse Center  Edge    Notes
                      h  m     h  m     h  m    °    °                  yrs     km     km

1802 Aug 28 A:p 06:04r 06:19 07:10 2 77 0.315 0.197 5.2 3161 2950 partial 1803 Aug 17 A:p 06:57 07:48 08:43 19 91 0.325 0.209 1.0 2462 2381 partial 1804 Feb 11 H:p 11:35 12:55 14:14 27 177 0.783 0.724 0.5 1021 1015 major partial 1806 Jun 16 T:p 17:42 18:24 19:03 22 281 0.300 0.190 2.3 3129 3031 partial 1807 Nov 29 H:p 11:32 12:30 13:29 20 178 0.273 0.164 1.5 3808 3791 partial 1813 Feb 01 A:p 08:25r 09:13 10:26 7 125 0.643 0.550 5.2 1971 1903 partial 1814 Jul 17 T:p 06:13 06:23 06:33 11 70 0.019 0.003 1.5 4068 3960 partial 1816 Nov 19 T:p 09:04 10:11 11:22 14 145 0.760 0.702 2.3 1169 1121 major partial 1818 May 05 A:p 06:48 07:42 08:40 21 89 0.399 0.278 1.5 3500 3371 partial 1820 Sep 07 A:p 13:30 14:59 16:22 39 224 0.878 0.819 2.3 540 330 major partial - near annular path

1826 Nov 29 P:p 10:49 11:56 13:04 19 169 0.536 0.436 6.2 - - partial 1832 Jul 27 T:p 15:06 15:28 15:50 48 239 0.053 0.015 5.7 3539 3413 partial 1833 Jul 17 T:p 06:02 06:52 07:45 15 75 0.665 0.591 1.0 2017 1842 partial 1836 May 15 A:p 14:57 16:24 17:43 37 255 0.797 0.728 2.8 722 610 major partial 1839 Mar 15 T:p 16:14 16:47 17:19 19 242 0.148 0.067 2.8 2967 2899 partial 1842 Jul 08 T:p 05:50 06:44 07:42 15 73 0.875 0.852 3.3 615 528 major partial 1845 May 06 A:p 09:32 10:34 11:41 48 128 0.318 0.202 2.8 5497 4731 partial 1846 Apr 25 H:p 18:32 19:16 19:53s 6 284 0.330 0.215 1.0 2689 2675 partial 1847 Oct 09 A:a 07:12 08:27 09:50 13 115 0.952 0.847 1.5 38 -137 ANNULAR - 06m22s

1851 Jul 28 T:p 15:11 16:19 17:21 40 252 0.786 0.742 3.8 1205 1053 major partial 1858 Mar 15 A:p 12:42 14:02 15:19 37 200 0.895 0.866 6.6 420 413 major partial - near annular path 1860 Jul 18 T:p 14:46 15:56 17:00 45 248 0.842 0.810 2.3 791 689 major partial 1861 Dec 31 T:p 14:54 15:58 16:58 7 222 0.529 0.424 1.5 1938 1930 partial 1863 May 17 P:p 18:49 19:32 20:13 7 291 0.259 0.150 1.4 - - partial 1865 Oct 19 A:p 17:16 17:50s 17:50s 0 255 0.274 0.160 2.4 3674 3483 partial 1866 Oct 08 P:p 17:34 18:12s 18:12s 0 261 0.358 0.238 1.0 - - partial 1867 Mar 06 A:p 09:14 10:31 11:53 26 137 0.791 0.729 0.4 1322 1258 major partial 1868 Feb 23 A:p 16:38 16:57 17:17 12 239 0.030 0.006 1.0 3695 3549 partial 1870 Dec 22 T:p 12:11 13:30 14:48 17 190 0.835 0.796 2.8 1492 1408 major partial 1873 May 26 P:p 08:36 09:24 10:16 41 106 0.288 0.178 2.4 - - partial 1874 Oct 10 A:p 10:08 11:13 12:20 31 155 0.298 0.182 1.4 4408 3731 partial 1875 Sep 29 A:p 12:30 13:12 13:54 38 190 0.119 0.048 1.0 3403 3336 partial

1879 Jul 19 A:p 08:38 08:47 08:56 34 96 0.008 0.001 3.8 3610 3587 partial 1880 Dec 31 P:p 14:48 15:40 16:28 9 218 0.320 0.209 1.5 - - partial 1882 May 17 T:p 07:03 07:43 08:25 24 87 0.242 0.138 1.4 3496 3468 partial 1887 Aug 19 T:p 05:51r 05:51r 06:03 0 70 0.226 0.126 5.3 706 699 partial 1890 Jun 17 A:p 09:13 10:22 11:36 51 117 0.441 0.323 2.8 2190 2117 partial 1891 Jun 06 A:p 18:10 18:48 19:24 17 285 0.201 0.105 1.0 5533 5499 partial 1893 Apr 16 T:p 16:50 17:04 17:18 25 256 0.025 0.005 1.9 3385 3307 partial 1899 Jun 08 P:p 05:42 06:12 06:43 11 68 0.135 0.058 6.1 - - partial 1900 May 28 T:p 15:52 17:00 18:03 34 265 0.725 0.658 1.0 1165 1128 partial

All times are in Local Standard Time. (Add one hour when Daylight Savings Time is in effect.)

Key to Eclipse Circumstances Catalog
Blue Bar

Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

1901 CE to 2000 CE

Blue Bar

            Eclipse Eclipse  Maximum  Eclipse Sun  Sun  Eclip. Eclip.  Last    Dist.  Dist.   Special
     Date     Type  Begins   Eclipse   Ends   Alt  Azm   Mag.   Obs.  Eclipse Center  Edge    Notes
                      h  m     h  m     h  m    °    °                  yrs     km     km

1901 Nov 11 A:p 07:56r 07:56r 08:04 0 116 0.102 0.037 1.5 1612 1482 partial 1902 Oct 31 P:p 07:38r 07:38r 07:45 0 111 0.009 0.001 1.0 - - partial 1905 Aug 30 T:p 12:54 14:09 15:22 47 209 0.817 0.779 2.8 878 782 major partial 1908 Jun 28 A:p 18:14 18:42 19:10 19 284 0.091 0.032 2.8 3913 3827 partial 1912 Apr 17 H:p 11:49 13:10 14:32 51 188 0.996 0.995 3.8 15 14 ANNULAR - 14 km to path 1914 Aug 21 T:p 12:05 13:17 14:27 53 190 0.627 0.542 2.3 1716 1634 partial 1916 Feb 03 T:p 17:34 17:46s 17:46s 0 244 0.200 0.104 1.5 885 878 partial 1917 Jan 23 P:p 08:36r 08:36r 08:49 0 120 0.171 0.083 1.0 - - partial 1919 Nov 22 A:p 16:22 17:00s 17:00s 0 239 0.253 0.143 2.8 3307 3119 partial 1920 Nov 10 P:p 16:41 17:14s 17:14s 0 244 0.336 0.217 1.0 - - partial 1921 Apr 08 A:p 08:31 09:44 11:03 32 120 0.830 0.778 0.4 1137 1032 major partial 1922 Mar 28 A:p 14:15 15:19 16:19 35 225 0.277 0.164 1.0 2739 2612 partial 1925 Jan 24 T:p 15:58 17:02 17:31s 4 235 0.750 0.690 2.8 1317 1250 major partial

1927 Jun 29 T:p 05:22 06:15 07:13 11 67 0.905 0.881 2.4 647 623 major partial 1928 Nov 12 P:p 08:44 09:29 10:17 12 135 0.162 0.075 1.4 - - partial 1929 Nov 01 A:p 11:09 12:05 13:02 26 172 0.224 0.122 1.0 3056 2980 partial 1933 Aug 21 A:p 05:54r 05:54r 05:57 0 71 0.030 0.006 3.8 2804 2740 partial 1936 Jun 19 T:p 04:50r 05:12 06:01 3 56 0.617 0.527 2.8 2013 1970 partial 1939 Apr 19 A:p 18:36 19:21 19:43s 3 283 0.304 0.190 2.8 4286 4120 partial 1942 Sep 10 P:p 16:32 17:23 18:11 18 257 0.307 0.193 3.4 - - partial 1944 Jan 25 T:p 17:20 17:31s 17:31s 0 241 0.069 0.022 1.4 3405 3363 partial 1945 Jul 09 T:p 13:54 15:08 16:16 53 236 0.554 0.454 1.5 2053 2009 partial 1949 Apr 28 P:p 07:17 08:10 09:07 24 96 0.380 0.260 3.8 - - partial

1951 Sep 01 A:p 12:23 13:12 14:01 49 188 0.178 0.087 2.3 3067 3018 partial 1952 Feb 25 T:p 09:37 10:13 10:51 21 134 0.140 0.062 0.5 4257 4196 partial 1954 Jun 30 T:p 12:22 13:41 14:56 63 204 0.707 0.640 2.3 1246 1170 partial 1956 Dec 02 P:p 08:28r 08:28r 08:46 0 124 0.167 0.079 2.4 - - partial 1959 Oct 02 T:p 12:03 13:03 14:04 38 187 0.351 0.238 2.8 2734 2679 partial 1961 Feb 15 T:p 08:03r 08:39 09:45 5 116 0.957 0.952 1.4 423 322 major partial - near total path 1966 May 20 A:p 09:17 10:21 11:30 49 122 0.489 0.379 5.3 2094 2091 partial 1968 Sep 22 T:p 10:35 11:27 12:19 39 155 0.257 0.151 2.3 3873 3829 partial 1971 Feb 25 P:p 09:35 10:38 11:44 24 140 0.626 0.541 2.4 - - partial 1972 Jul 10 T:p 20:36 20:49s 20:49s 0 305 0.230 0.128 1.4 3775 3707 partial 1973 Jun 30 T:p 11:51 12:18 12:46 63 161 0.073 0.024 1.0 3211 3083 partial 1973 Dec 24 A:p 16:23 16:54s 16:54s 0 233 0.291 0.175 0.5 2223 2042 partial 1975 May 11 P:p 06:21 07:14 08:11 18 83 0.500 0.388 1.4 - - partial

1976 Apr 29 A:p 09:55 11:13 12:36 51 142 0.482 0.364 1.0 2101 1986 partial 1982 Jul 20 P:p 20:11 20:40 20:41s 0 302 0.196 0.102 6.2 - - partial 1982 Dec 15 P:p 08:41r 09:24 10:31 5 135 0.345 0.224 0.4 - - partial 1983 Dec 04 A:p 12:43 13:10 13:37 19 187 0.041 0.010 1.0 4472 4399 partial 1984 May 30 A:p 18:17 19:12 20:04 13 289 0.518 0.409 0.5 1991 1964 partial 1994 May 10 A:p 18:39 19:39 20:15s 5 291 0.571 0.460 9.9 1908 1754 partial 1996 Oct 12 P:p 14:07 15:25 16:38 23 226 0.589 0.486 2.4 - - partial 1999 Aug 11 T:p 10:04 11:23 12:45 51 142 0.992 0.994 2.8 86 32 major partial - total path 32 km

All times are in Local Standard Time. (Add one hour when Daylight Savings Time is in effect.)

Key to Eclipse Circumstances Catalog

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Additional Catalogs of Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

Three catalogs are available to investigate solar eclipses visible from Paris during the period 1001 CE to 2000 CE . The first catalog lists the local circumstances (times, magnitude, etc.) for every eclipse visible from the city. The second catalog includes only major eclipses (magnitude greater than 0.75 , and nearby annular and total eclipses). The third catalog focuses exclusively on annular and total eclipses seeen from within a distance of 15 km of the center of Paris . The catalogs should prove useful for historical research or for planning future observations.

Catalog of All Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris

Catalog of Major Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris

Catalog of Annular and Total Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris

1,000 Year Catalogs of Solar Eclipses Visible from Paris, France

0001 CE to 1000 CE
1001 CE to 2000 CE
2001 CE to 3000 CE

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These eclipse predictions are by Fred Espenak, and he assumes full responsibility for their accuracy.

Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by an acknowledgment:

"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC"

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Eclipse Predictions & WebMaster: Fred Espenak

Planetary Systems Branch - Code 693
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 USA

Last revised: 2003 Mar 11 - F. Espenak