Instructions for Interactive Solar Eclipse Maps
A Google Maps Implementation
This implementation of Google Maps plots the path of solar eclipses on interactive maps.
The northern and southern limits of eclipse paths are plotted in blue and the central line is plotted in red.
The four-way toggle arrows (upper left corner) are for navigating around the map.
The zoom bar (left edge) is used to change the magnification.
The three buttons (top right) turn on either a map view, a satellite view or a hybrid map/satellite view.
Map Position
- Use the four directional arrows to pan the map about a half field of view in any direction.
- Clicking the center Pan button (with the four arrows pointing to the center) recenters the map over the default map center (which is not usually over the eclipse's path) without changing the map scale.
- Double-click on anywhere on the map to quickly move that location to the center of the map.
- Click on a location and drag it to make fine corrections in map positioning.
- The latitude and longitude of the center of the map is listed beneath it (except after creating offset lines when their distance from the centerline is displayed until the map is moved again).
Map Scale
- Use the + and – buttons or the slider control to zoom in or out on the map.
- Optionally use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out on the map.
Map Content
- The Map button shows a road map (default) in the map window.
- The Satellite button loads an aerial or satellite image of selected area.
- The Hybrid button displays an aerial or satellite image with major roads drawn on top of it.
Location-Specific Eclipse Information
- When "Show marker on click" is checked:
- Click anywhere on the map to place a marker.
- An information window will appear containing the times and circumstances for each stage of the eclipse at that location.
- Click the x in the top right part of the information window to close it. The window can be opened again by moving the cursor over the marker.
- When "Show marker on click" is not checked:
- Click anywhere on the map for an information window on eclipse circumstances at that location.
- Click the x in the top right part of the information window to close it.
- When "Information Window" is open:
- Click on the Eclipse Times in Popup button to open a new browser window containg the eclipse calculations. The contents of this window can be printed, copied or saved.
Map Legend
Blue Curves |
- Northern and Southern Limits of Solar Eclipse Path. |
Red Curve |
- Central Line of Solar Eclipse Path. |
- Marker for point of Greatest Eclipse. |
- Marker for user-selected location. |
This implementation of Google Maps is based on Charlie Ridgway's
Occultations Page.
The eclipse contacts window (click on map) is based on Xavier Jubier's
Interactive Solar Eclipses Maps page and
Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses web tool.
Special thanks to National Space Club summer intern Sumit Dutta for his assistance in developing this web page (July 2007).
All eclipse predictions are by Fred Espenak, and he assumes full responsibility for their accuracy.
For information on reproducting eclipse data, see NASA Copyright Information.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by an acknowledgment:
"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC"