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NASA Eclipse Web Site
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Sources for Solar Filters

The following is a brief list of sources for mylar and/or glass filters specifically designed for safe solar viewing with or without a telescope. The list is not meant to be exhaustive, but is simply a representative sample of sources for solar filters currently available in the United States. For additional sources, see advertisements in Astronomy and/or Sky & Telescope magazines. The inclusion of any source on this list does not imply an endorsement of that source by either Fred Espenak, Jay Anderson, Ralph Chou or NASA.

  • Celestron International, 2835 Columbia St., Torrance, CA 90503. (310) 328-9560
  • Coronado Technology Group, 1674 S. Research Loop, Ste. 436, Tucson, AZ 85710 (520) 740-1561, (866) 786-9282
  • Hands on Optics, PO Box 10025 Rockville, MD. 20898 (301) 482-0000
  • Meade Instruments Corporation, 16542 Millikan Ave., Irvine, CA 92714. (714) 756-2291
  • Pocono Mountain Optics, R.R. 6, Box 6329, Moscow, PA 18444. (717) 842-1500
  • Rainbow Symphony, Inc., 6860 Canby Ave. #120, Reseda, CA 91335 (818) 708-8400
  • Telescope and Binocular Center, P.O. Box 1815, Santa Cruz, CA 95061-1815. (408) 763-7030
  • Thousand Oaks Optical, Box 5044-289, Thousand Oaks, CA 91359. (805) 491-3642
  • Khan Scope Centre, 3243 Dufferin Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6A 2T2. (416) 783-4140
  • Perceptor Telescopes TransCanada, Schomberg, Ontario, Canada L0G 1T0. (905) 939-2313
  • Eclipse 99 Ltd., Belle Etoile, Rue du Hamel, Guernsey GY5 7QJ. 001 44 1481 64847
  • American Paper Optics, Inc. 3080 Bartlett Corporate Drive, Bartlett, TN 38133. (800) 767-8427
  • ASTROSHADES, Technical Arts, Inc.,1133 'D' Street, Ramona, California 92065 USA. (760)789-5208
  • ABELexpress - Astronomy Division, 100 Rosslyn Rd., Carnegie, PA 15106. (412) 279-0672

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