NASA eclipse bulletins contain detailed predictions, maps and meteorology for future solar eclipses of interest. Published as part of NASA's Technical Publication (TP) series, the bulletins are provided as a public service to both the professional and lay communities, including educators and the media. Comments, suggestions and corrections are solicited to improve future editions.
Single copies are available at no cost and may be ordered by sending a 9 x 12 inch SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) with sufficient postage for each bulletin (11 oz. or 310 g). Use stamps only since cash or checks cannot be accepted. Requests within the U. S. may use the Postal Service's Priority Mail for $3.90. Requests from outside the U. S. and Canada may send ten international postal coupons to cover postage. Please print the eclipse date (year & month) in the lower left corner of the SASE and return with this completed form to either of the authors.
Request: __ Total Solar Eclipse of 1995 October 24 (NASA RP 1344) __ Total Solar Eclipse of 1997 March 9 (NASA RP 1369) __ Total Solar Eclipse of 1998 February 26 (NASA RP 1383) __ Total Solar Eclipse of 1999 August 11 (NASA RP 1398) __ Total Solar Eclipse of 2001 June 21 (NASA/TP-1999-209484) __ Total Solar Eclipse of 2002 Dec 04 (NASA/TP-2001-209990) __ Annular and Total Solar Eclipses of 2003 (NASA/TP-2002-211618) __ Total Solar Eclipse of 2006 March 29 (NASA/TP-2004-212762) __ Total Solar Eclipse of 2008 August 01 (NASA/TP-2007-214149) __ Total Solar Eclipse of 2009 July 22 (NASA/TP-2008-214169) __ Annular and Total Solar Eclipses of 2010 (NASA/TP-2008-214171) Organization: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Contact Person: _____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ City/State/ZIP: _____________________________________________________ Country: ____________________________________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________________________ Type of organization(check all that apply): ___ University/College ___ Observatory ___ Library ___ Planetarium ___ Publication ___ Media ___ Professional ___ Amateur ___ Individual Size of Organization: _______ (Number of Members) Activities: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Return Requests and Comments to: Fred Espenak Jay Anderson NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Planteary Systems Laboratory, Code 693 189 Kingsway Ave. Greenbelt, MD 20771 Winnipeg, MB, USA CANADA R3M 0G4 Email: Email:
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