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Saros Series Catalog of Solar Eclipses

Saros Series 125


The periodicity and recurrence of solar eclipses is governed by the Saros cycle, a period of approximately 6,585.3 days (18 years 11 days 8 hours). When two eclipses are separated by a period of one Saros, they share a very similar geometry. The two eclipses occur at the same node[1] with the Moon at nearly the same distance from Earth and at the same time of year. Thus, the Saros is useful for organizing eclipses into families or series. Each series typically lasts 12 to 13 centuries and contains 70 or more eclipses. Every saros series begins with a number of partial eclipses near one of Earth's polar regions. The series will then produce several dozen central[2] eclipses before ending with a group of partial eclipses near the opposite pole. For more information, see Periodicity of Solar Eclipses.

Statistics for Solar Eclipses of Saros 125

Solar eclipses of Saros 125 all occur at the Moon’s ascending node and the Moon moves southward with each eclipse. The series began with a partial eclipse in the northern hemisphere on 1060 Feb 04. The series will end with a partial eclipse in the southern hemisphere on 2358 Apr 09. The total duration of Saros series 125 is 1298.17 years. In summary:

                      First Eclipse =   1060 Feb 04   21:21:56 TD
                       Last Eclipse =   2358 Apr 09   10:37:39 TD

                      Duration of Saros 125  =  1298.17 Years

Saros 125 is composed of 73 solar eclipses as follows:

Solar Eclipses of Saros 125
Eclipse Type Symbol Number Percent
All Eclipses - 73100.0%
PartialP 33 45.2%
AnnularA 34 46.6%
TotalT 4 5.5%
Hybrid[3]H 2 2.7%

Umbral eclipses (annular, total and hybrid) can be further classified as either: 1) Central (two limits), 2) Central (one limit) or 3) Non-Central (one limit). The statistical distribution of these classes in Saros series 125 appears in the following table.

Umbral Eclipses of Saros 125
Classification Number Percent
All Umbral Eclipses 40100.0%
Central (two limits) 40100.0%
Central (one limit) 0 0.0%
Non-Central (one limit) 0 0.0%

The following string illustrates the sequence of the 73 eclipses in Saros 125: 12P 4T 2H 34A 21P

The longest and shortest central eclipses of Saros 125 as well as largest and smallest partial eclipses are listed in the below.

Extreme Durations and Magnitudes of Solar Eclipses of Saros 125
Extrema Type Date Duration Magnitude
Longest Annular Solar Eclipse 1907 Jul 1007m23s -
Shortest Annular Solar Eclipse 1384 Aug 1700m01s -
Longest Total Solar Eclipse 1294 Jun 2501m11s -
Shortest Total Solar Eclipse 1330 Jul 1601m00s -
Longest Hybrid Solar Eclipse 1348 Jul 2600m46s -
Shortest Hybrid Solar Eclipse 1366 Aug 0700m26s -
Largest Partial Solar Eclipse 1258 Jun 03 - 0.96278
Smallest Partial Solar Eclipse 1060 Feb 04 - 0.00805

Description of the Catalog of Solar Eclipses of Saros 125

The catalog below lists concise details and local circumstances at greatest eclipse[5] for every solar eclipse in Saros 125. A description or explanation of each parameter listed in the catalog can be found in Key to Catalog of Solar Eclipse Saros Series.

Several fields in the catalog link to web pages or files containing additional information for each eclipse (for the years -1999 through +3000). The following gives a brief explanation of each link.

    • Catalog Number - link to a small global map showing geographic visibility of the eclipse
    • Calendar Date - link to the path of central eclipse plotted on Google maps
    • TD of Greatest Eclipse - link to a large global map showing geographic visibility of eclipse (years 1901 through 2100)
    • Saros Num - link to a catalog of all eclipses in the Saros cycle
    • Gamma - link to a table of Besselian elements for the eclipse
    • Central Dur. - link to a table of coordinates of the central eclipse path (years 1901 through 2100)

For an animation showing how the eclipse path changes with each member of the series, see Animation of Saros 125.

Catalog of Solar Eclipses of Saros 125

                         TD of
 Seq. Rel.   Calendar   Greatest          Luna  Ecl.           Ecl.                Sun Path  Central
 Num. Num.     Date      Eclipse     ΔT   Num.  Type  Gamma    Mag.    Lat   Long  Alt Width   Dur.
                                      s                                 °      °     °    km

07265 -39  1060 Feb 04  21:21:56   1255 -11625   Pb   1.5334  0.0080  62.1N 167.8E   0             
07309 -38  1078 Feb 15  05:47:57   1173 -11402   P    1.5158  0.0407  61.6N  32.0E   0             
07353 -37  1096 Feb 26  14:07:35   1095 -11179   P    1.4936  0.0820  61.3N 102.0W   0             
07399 -36  1114 Mar 08  22:17:27   1022 -10956   P    1.4643  0.1367  61.1N 126.5E   0             
07444 -35  1132 Mar 19  06:19:27    953 -10733   P    1.4291  0.2024  61.1N   3.1W   0             
07489 -34  1150 Mar 30  14:11:34    888 -10510   P    1.3867  0.2819  61.2N 130.1W   0             
07534 -33  1168 Apr 09  21:56:35    827 -10287   P    1.3390  0.3713  61.5N 104.6E   0             
07580 -32  1186 Apr 21  05:32:46    770 -10064   P    1.2847  0.4732  62.0N  18.6W   0             
07625 -31  1204 May 01  13:01:38    717  -9841   P    1.2250  0.5852  62.5N 140.1W   0             
07671 -30  1222 May 12  20:24:03    667  -9618   P    1.1607  0.7054  63.2N  99.9E   0             

07716 -29  1240 May 23  03:41:19    620  -9395   P    1.0929  0.8316  64.0N  19.0W   0             
07761 -28  1258 Jun 03  10:54:19    576  -9172   P    1.0220  0.9628  64.9N 137.1W   0             
07805 -27  1276 Jun 13  18:03:40    536  -8949   T    0.9490  1.0202  82.2N 135.2E  18  226  01m07s
07848 -26  1294 Jun 25  01:11:53    498  -8726   T    0.8757  1.0195  84.5N 153.7E  28  140  01m11s
07890 -25  1312 Jul 05  08:19:23    462  -8503   T    0.8028  1.0171  75.4N  68.1E  36   99  01m08s
07931 -24  1330 Jul 16  15:26:57    429  -8280   T    0.7307  1.0139  66.5N  35.7W  43   70  01m00s
07972 -23  1348 Jul 26  22:37:09    397  -8057   H    0.6616  1.0098  58.0N 143.3W  48   45  00m46s
08013 -22  1366 Aug 07  05:50:23    368  -7834   H    0.5958  1.0051  49.7N 107.0E  53   22  00m26s
08054 -21  1384 Aug 17  13:09:06    340  -7611   A    0.5354  0.9999  41.7N   4.5W  57    1  00m01s
08095 -20  1402 Aug 28  20:31:39    314  -7388   A    0.4790  0.9943  34.0N 117.4W  61   23  00m33s

08135 -19  1420 Sep 08  04:02:09    289  -7165   A    0.4301  0.9885  26.7N 127.7E  64   45  01m10s
08175 -18  1438 Sep 19  11:38:08    266  -6942   A    0.3864  0.9826  19.8N  11.4E  67   66  01m51s
08215 -17  1456 Sep 29  19:22:26    244  -6719   A    0.3503  0.9768  13.5N 106.7W  69   88  02m36s
08255 -16  1474 Oct 11  03:12:17    223  -6496   A    0.3195  0.9711   7.8N 134.1E  71  109  03m22s
08295 -15  1492 Oct 21  11:10:36    203  -6273   A    0.2964  0.9657   2.8N  13.1E  73  129  04m08s
08336 -14  1510 Nov 01  19:13:50    185  -6050   A    0.2781  0.9607   1.5S 108.7W  74  148  04m54s
08378 -13  1528 Nov 12  03:22:58    168  -5827   A    0.2653  0.9562   4.9S 128.4E  75  166  05m36s
08419 -12  1546 Nov 23  11:35:42    152  -5604   A    0.2561  0.9521   7.3S   4.9E  75  181  06m13s
08460 -11  1564 Dec 03  19:52:06    139  -5381   A    0.2504  0.9487   8.8S 119.2W  76  195  06m42s
08501 -10  1582 Dec 25  04:08:39    127  -5158   A    0.2457  0.9459   9.4S 116.8E  76  206  07m02s

08542 -09  1601 Jan 04  12:24:38    117  -4935   A    0.2410  0.9437   9.1S   7.0W  76  214  07m13s
08584 -08  1619 Jan 15  20:38:07     95  -4712   A    0.2349  0.9422   8.1S 130.4W  76  220  07m16s
08628 -07  1637 Jan 26  04:48:32     68  -4489   A    0.2265  0.9412   6.4S 107.0E  77  223  07m12s
08674 -06  1655 Feb 06  12:51:54     42  -4266   A    0.2129  0.9408   4.3S  14.0W  78  224  07m03s
08720 -05  1673 Feb 16  20:49:18     20  -4043   A    0.1950  0.9409   1.8S 133.5W  79  223  06m52s
08765 -04  1691 Feb 28  04:37:41      9  -3820   A    0.1701  0.9414   0.8N 109.3E  80  220  06m40s
08810 -03  1709 Mar 11  12:18:35      9  -3597   Am   0.1394  0.9422   3.4N   5.9W  82  216  06m29s
08855 -02  1727 Mar 22  19:47:55     10  -3374   A    0.0996  0.9432   5.7N 118.0W  84  211  06m20s
08901 -01  1745 Apr 02  03:09:18     12  -3151   A    0.0536  0.9444   7.7N 132.2E  87  205  06m13s
08946  00  1763 Apr 13  10:19:31     15  -2928   A   -0.0010  0.9455   9.0N  25.3E  90  201  06m11s

Catalog of Solar Eclipses of Saros 125

                         TD of
 Seq. Rel.   Calendar   Greatest          Luna  Ecl.           Ecl.                Sun Path  Central
 Num. Num.     Date      Eclipse     ΔT   Num.  Type  Gamma    Mag.    Lat   Long  Alt Width   Dur.
                                      s                                 °      °     °    km

08992  01  1781 Apr 23  17:21:26     17  -2705   A   -0.0620  0.9467   9.7N  79.2W  87  197  06m13s
09037  02  1799 May 05  00:13:08     14  -2482   A   -0.1310  0.9476   9.3N 178.9E  83  194  06m20s
09082  03  1817 May 16  06:58:14     12  -2259   A   -0.2049  0.9483   7.9N  78.5E  78  194  06m30s
09127  04  1835 May 27  13:35:42      6  -2036   A   -0.2846  0.9486   5.3N  20.2W  73  196  06m44s
09171  05  1853 Jun 06  20:07:21      7  -1813   A   -0.3686  0.9486   1.5N 117.9W  68  203  06m59s
09214  06  1871 Jun 18  02:35:02     -1  -1590   A   -0.4550  0.9481   3.5S 144.7E  63  214  07m14s
09256  07  1889 Jun 28  09:00:00     -6  -1367   A   -0.5431  0.9471   9.6S  47.3E  57  232  07m22s
09298  08  1907 Jul 10  15:24:32      7  -1144   A   -0.6313  0.9456  16.9S  50.9W  51  258  07m23s
09340  09  1925 Jul 20  21:48:42     24   -921   A   -0.7193  0.9436  25.3S 150.0W  44  300  07m15s
09383  10  1943 Aug 01  04:16:13     26   -698   A   -0.8041  0.9409  34.8S 108.6E  36  367  06m59s

09423  11  1961 Aug 11  10:46:47     34   -475   A   -0.8859  0.9375  45.8S   4.0E  27  499  06m35s
09463  12  1979 Aug 22  17:22:38     50   -252   A   -0.9632  0.9329  59.6S 108.5W  15  953  06m03s
09502  13  1997 Sep 02  00:04:48     63    -29   P   -1.0352  0.8988  71.8S 114.3E   0             
09542  14  2015 Sep 13  06:55:19     69    194   P   -1.1004  0.7875  72.1S   2.3W   0             
09582  15  2033 Sep 23  13:54:31     80    417   P   -1.1583  0.6890  72.2S 121.2W   0             
09622  16  2051 Oct 04  21:02:14     96    640   P   -1.2094  0.6024  72.0S 117.7E   0             
09664  17  2069 Oct 15  04:19:56    134    863   P   -1.2524  0.5298  71.6S   5.5W   0             
09705  18  2087 Oct 26  11:46:57    174   1086   P   -1.2882  0.4696  71.0S 130.5W   0             
09746  19  2105 Nov 06  19:23:02    216   1309   P   -1.3168  0.4217  70.2S 102.7E   0             
09787  20  2123 Nov 18  03:07:26    260   1532   P   -1.3389  0.3848  69.3S  25.5W   0             

09828  21  2141 Nov 28  10:59:33    307   1755   P   -1.3552  0.3577  68.2S 155.0W   0             
09870  22  2159 Dec 09  18:58:33    349   1978   P   -1.3663  0.3392  67.2S  74.4E   0             
09913  23  2177 Dec 20  03:01:35    389   2201   P   -1.3747  0.3251  66.1S  56.8W   0             
09957  24  2195 Dec 31  11:09:22    432   2424   P   -1.3797  0.3166  65.1S 171.4E   0             
10001  25  2214 Jan 11  19:17:52    476   2647   P   -1.3848  0.3078  64.1S  39.7E   0             
10045  26  2232 Jan 23  03:27:39    522   2870   P   -1.3891  0.3001  63.3S  91.9W   0             
10089  27  2250 Feb 02  11:34:07    571   3093   P   -1.3969  0.2864  62.5S 137.6E   0             
10134  28  2268 Feb 13  19:39:32    621   3316   P   -1.4059  0.2703  61.9S   7.5E   0             
10179  29  2286 Feb 24  03:39:23    674   3539   P   -1.4203  0.2448  61.5S 121.0W   0             
10224  30  2304 Mar 07  11:34:24    729   3762   P   -1.4389  0.2118  61.2S 111.8E   0             

10269  31  2322 Mar 18  19:21:51    785   3985   P   -1.4640  0.1671  61.1S  13.5W   0             
10314  32  2340 Mar 29  03:03:37    844   4208   P   -1.4941  0.1131  61.2S 137.3W   0             
10360  33  2358 Apr 09  10:37:39    905   4431   Pe  -1.5309  0.0468  61.4S 100.7E   0             


The Gregorian calendar is used for all dates from 1582 Oct 15 onwards. Before that date, the Julian calendar is used. For more information on this topic, see Calendar Dates. The Julian calendar does not include the year 0. Thus the year 1 BCE is followed by the year 1 CE (See: BCE/CE Dating Conventions ). This is awkward for arithmetic calculations. Years in this catalog are numbered astronomically and include the year 0. Historians should note there is a difference of one year between astronomical dates and BCE dates. Thus, the astronomical year 0 corresponds to 1 BCE, and astronomical year -1 corresponds to 2 BCE, etc..


The coordinates of the Sun used in these predictions are based on the VSOP87 theory [Bretagnon and Francou, 1988]. The Moon's coordinates are based on the ELP-2000/82 theory [Chapront-Touze and Chapront, 1983]. For more information, see: Solar and Lunar Ephemerides. The revised value used for the Moon's secular acceleration is n-dot = -25.858 arc-sec/cy*cy, as deduced from the Apollo lunar laser ranging experiment (Chapront, Chapront-Touze, and Francou, 2002).

The largest uncertainty in the eclipse predictions is caused by fluctuations in Earth's rotation due primarily to tidal friction of the Moon. The resultant drift in apparent clock time is expressed as ΔT and is determined as follows:

  1. pre-1950's: ΔT calculated from empirical fits to historical records derived by Morrison and Stephenson (2004)
  2. 1955-present: ΔT obtained from published observations
  3. future: ΔT is extrapolated from current values weighted by the long term trend from tidal effects

A series of polynomial expressions have been derived to simplify the evaluation of ΔT for any time from -1999 to +3000. The uncertainty in ΔT over this period can be estimated from scatter in the measurements.


[1] The Moon's orbit is inclined about 5 degrees to Earth's orbit around the Sun. The points where the lunar orbit intersects the plane of Earth's orbit are known as the nodes. The Moon moves from south to north of Earth's orbit at the ascending node, and from north to south at the descending node.

[2]Central solar eclipses are eclipses in which the central axis of the Moon's shadow strikes the Earth's surface. All partial (penumbral) eclipses are non-central eclipses since the shadow axis misses Earth. However, umbral eclipses (total, annular and hybrid) may be either central (usually) or non-central (rarely).

[3]Hybrid eclipses are also known as annular/total eclipses. Such an eclipse is both total and annular along different sections of its umbral path. For more information, see Five Millennium Catalog of Hybrid Solar Eclipses .

[4]Greatest eclipse is defined as the instant when the axis of the Moon's shadow passes closest to Earth's center. For total eclipses, the instant of greatest eclipse is nearly equal to the instants of greatest magnitude and greatest duration. However, for annular eclipses, the instant of greatest duration may occur at either the time of greatest eclipse or near the sunrise and sunset points of the eclipse path.


The information presented on this web page is based on data published in Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000 and Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000. The individual global maps appearing in links (both GIF an animation) were extracted from full page plates appearing in Five Millennium Canon by Dan McGlaun. The Besselian elements were provided by Jean Meeus. Fred Espenak assumes full responsibility for the accuracy of all eclipse calculations.

Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by an acknowledgment:

"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak (NASA's GSFC)"

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Saros Series Catalog of Solar Eclipses

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