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NASA Eclipse Web Site

Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses

0201 to 0300 ( 201 CE to 300 CE )


Eclipses of the Sun can only occur when the Moon is near one of its two orbital nodes [1] during the New Moon phase. It is then possible for the Moon's penumbral, umbral or antumbral shadows to sweep across Earth's surface thereby producing an eclipse. There are four types of solar eclipses:

  1. Partial - Moon's penumbral shadow traverses Earth (umbral and antumbral shadows completely miss Earth)
  2. Annular - Moon's antumbral shadow traverses Earth (Moon is too far from Earth to completely cover the Sun)
  3. Total - Moon's umbral shadow traverses Earth (Moon is close enough to Earth to completely cover the Sun)
  4. Hybrid - Moon's umbral and antumbral shadows traverse Earth (eclipse appears annular and total along different sections of its path). Hybrid eclipses are also known as annular-total eclipses. [2]

Total eclipses are visible from within the Moon’s umbral shadow while annular eclipses are seen within the antumbral shadow . These eclipses can be classified as central [3] or non-central as:

  1. Central (two limits) - The central axis of the Moon’s shadow cone traverses Earth thereby producing a central line in the eclipse track. The umbra or antumbra falls entirely upon Earth so the ground track has both a northern and southern limit.
  2. Central (one limit) - The central axis of the Moon’s shadow cone traverses Earth. However, a portion of the umbra or antumbra misses Earth throughout the eclipse and the resulting ground track has just one limit.
  3. Non-Central (one limit) - The central axis of the Moon’s shadow cone misses Earth. However, one edge of the umbra or antumbra grazes Earth thereby producing a ground track with one limit and no central line.

The recurrence of solar eclipses is governed by the Saros cycle. For more information, see Periodicity of Solar Eclipses.

Statistics for Solar Eclipses: 0201 to 0300

During the 3rd century CE[4], Earth experienced 227 solar eclipses. The following table shows the number of eclipses of each type over this period.

Solar Eclipses: 0201 - 0300
Eclipse Type Symbol Number Percent
All Eclipses - 227100.0%
PartialP 79 34.8%
AnnularA 74 32.6%
TotalT 69 30.4%
HybridH 5 2.2%

Annular and total eclipses can be classified as either central or non-central as follows: 1) Central (two limits), 2) Central (one limit) or 3) Non-Central (one limit). The statistical distribution of these classes during the 3rd century CE appears in the following three tables (no Hybrids are included since all are central with two limits).

Annular and Total Eclipses
Classification Number Percent
All 143100.0%
Central (two limits) 135 94.4%
Central (one limit) 4 2.8%
Non-Central (one limit) 4 2.8%
Annular Eclipses
Classification Number Percent
All Annular Eclipses 74100.0%
Central (two limits) 68 91.9%
Central (one limit) 2 2.7%
Non-Central (one limit) 4 5.4%
Total Eclipses
Classification Number Percent
All Total Eclipses 69100.0%
Central (two limits) 67 97.1%
Central (one limit) 2 2.9%
Non-Central (one limit) 0 0.0%

There are a minimum of two and a maximum of five solar eclipses in every calendar year. Statistics for the number of eclipses each year during the century are listed below.

                      Number of Years with 2 Eclipses: 78
                      Number of Years with 3 Eclipses: 17
                      Number of Years with 4 Eclipses:  5

The longest and shortest central eclipses of the century as well as largest and smallest partial eclipses are listed in the below.

Extreme Durations and Magnitudes of Solar Eclipses: 201 to 300
Extrema Type Date Duration Magnitude
Longest Annular Solar Eclipse 0205 Jan 0811m09s -
Shortest Annular Solar Eclipse 0248 Mar 1200m10s -
Longest Total Solar Eclipse 0204 Jul 1406m27s -
Shortest Total Solar Eclipse 0206 Nov 1701m12s -
Longest Hybrid Solar Eclipse 0208 Oct 2701m03s -
Shortest Hybrid Solar Eclipse 0227 May 0300m05s -
Largest Partial Solar Eclipse 0257 Aug 26 - 0.99693
Smallest Partial Solar Eclipse 0235 Jun 03 - 0.03177

During the century, 2 Saros series begin and 4 Saros Series end. The list below gives the year and Saros number of each of these events.

      2 Saros Series begin [Year/Saros]:    235/ 99   264/100
      4 Saros Series end   [Year/Saros]:    220/ 53   249/ 59   260/ 60   289/ 61

Catalog of Solar Eclipses

The catalog below lists concise details and local circumstances at greatest eclipse[5] for every solar eclipse during the century. A description or explanation of each parameter listed in the catalog can be found in Key to Catalog of Solar Eclipses.

Several fields in the catalog link to web pages or files containing additional information for each eclipse. The following gives a brief explanation of each link.

    • Catalog Number - link to a small global map showing geographic visibility of the eclipse
    • Calendar Date - link to the path of central eclipse plotted on Google maps
    • Saros Num - link to a catalog of all eclipses in the Saros cycle
    • Gamma - link to a table of Besselian elements for the eclipse

Index for Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses

Catalog of Solar Eclipses: 0201 to 0300

                      TD of
Catalog  Calendar   Greatest          Luna Saros Ecl.               Ecl.            Sun Path  Central
Number     Date      Eclipse    ΔT     Num  Num  Type QLE  Gamma    Mag.   Lat Long Alt Width   Dur.
                                 s                                          °    °    °   km

05260  0201 Mar 22  01:51:41   8589 -22248   81   T   p-   0.4284  1.0578  22N 177E  65  209  04m35s
05261  0201 Sep 15  03:14:40   8585 -22242   86   A   p-  -0.4453  0.9286  20S 153E  63  295  08m01s
05262  0202 Feb 10  09:15:07   8581 -22237   53   P   -t  -1.4884  0.0928  62S 160W   0             
05263  0202 Mar 11  18:30:53   8580 -22236   91   P   t-   1.1299  0.7688  61N 142W   0             
05264  0202 Sep 04  03:46:22   8575 -22230   96   P   t-  -1.1469  0.7123  61S  83E   0             
05265  0203 Jan 30  20:59:58   8572 -22225   63   A   -p  -0.8449  0.9742  66S  45W  32  172  01m47s
05266  0203 Jul 26  00:44:37   8567 -22219   68   T   -p   0.8516  1.0355  70N 103W  31  229  02m09s
05267  0204 Jan 20  01:22:31   8562 -22213   73   A   nn  -0.1522  0.9324  29S 158W  81  256  07m51s
05268  0204 Jul 14  16:51:47   8558 -22207   78   T   nn   0.0968  1.0774  28N  35W  84  252  06m27s
05269  0205 Jan 08  00:40:31   8553 -22201   83   A   p-   0.5386  0.9196   9N 159W  57  359  11m09s

05270  0205 Jul 04  09:44:16   8549 -22195   88   T   p-  -0.6478  1.0570  17S  63E  50  246  05m23s
05271  0205 Dec 28  02:21:27   8544 -22189   93   P   t-   1.1971  0.6261  65N 161E   0             
05272  0206 May 25  11:32:45   8540 -22184   60   P   -t   1.2389  0.5555  68N 123W   0             
05273  0206 Jun 23  22:44:50   8539 -22183   98   P   t-  -1.4594  0.1560  66S 140W   0             
05274  0206 Nov 17  23:23:19   8536 -22178   65   T   -p  -0.9446  1.0218  82S 128E  19  233  01m12s
05275  0207 May 14  14:17:53   8531 -22172   70   A   -p   0.5008  0.9476  48N   8W  60  223  05m22s
05276  0207 Nov 07  15:01:09   8526 -22166   75   T   -n  -0.2711  1.0460  32S  17W  74  159  03m55s
05277  0208 May 02  15:03:13   8522 -22160   80   A   pn  -0.2628  0.9593   0N   8W  75  153  05m17s
05278  0208 Oct 27  05:23:55   8517 -22154   85   H   n-   0.4189  1.0103  11N 137E  65   39  01m03s
05279  0209 Apr 21  20:55:53   8513 -22148   90   P   t-  -1.0056  0.9794  71S  46W   0             

05280  0209 Oct 16  14:10:27   8508 -22142   95   P   t-   1.1714  0.6705  71N  62E   0             
05281  0210 Mar 13  01:40:48   8504 -22137   62   T   -p   0.8909  1.0536  55N 164E  27  390  03m38s
05282  0210 Sep 05  22:11:04   8500 -22131   67   P   -t  -1.0756  0.8274  72S 174E   0             
05283  0211 Mar 02  18:11:38   8495 -22125   72   T   -n   0.1899  1.0521   3N  57W  79  176  04m51s
05284  0211 Aug 26  00:06:18   8490 -22119   77   A   -n  -0.3234  0.9679   7S 151W  71  122  03m51s
05285  0212 Feb 20  07:28:52   8486 -22113   82   A   p-  -0.5462  0.9978  43S 119E  57    9  00m11s
05286  0212 Aug 14  09:10:09   8481 -22107   87   T   p-   0.4330  1.0255  40N  86E  64   96  02m12s
05287  0213 Feb 08  13:48:25   8477 -22101   92   P   t-  -1.3162  0.4215  70S 151E   0             
05288  0213 Jul 05  17:12:35   8473 -22096   59   P   -t  -1.3835  0.2801  67S  42W   0             
05289  0213 Aug 04  00:18:25   8472 -22095   97   P   t-   1.1337  0.7625  69N   1E   0             

05290  0213 Dec 29  19:16:25   8468 -22090   64   A+  -p   1.0047  0.9436  67N  67W   0             
05291  0214 Jun 25  09:30:41   8463 -22084   69   T   -p  -0.6796  1.0448  19S  76E  47  203  04m23s
05292  0214 Dec 18  22:46:04   8459 -22078   74   A   -n   0.2794  0.9696   8S 124W  74  114  03m41s
05293  0215 Jun 14  20:45:22   8454 -22072   79   A   nn   0.0867  0.9946  28N  98W  85   19  00m34s
05294  0215 Dec 08  09:31:55   8450 -22066   84   T   n-  -0.4194  1.0220  47S  64E  65   83  01m46s
05295  0216 Jun 03  00:48:22   8445 -22060   89   A   p-   0.8836  0.9464  77N 137E  28  426  03m48s
05296  0216 Nov 27  00:42:30   8440 -22054   94   P   t-  -1.0674  0.8823  64S  61E   0             
05297  0217 Apr 23  11:30:26   8437 -22049   61   P   -t  -1.1862  0.6472  61S 108E   0             
05298  0217 Oct 18  03:23:22   8432 -22043   66   A   -t   0.9884  0.9833  58N 140W   8  425  01m10s
05299  0218 Apr 12  19:22:42   8427 -22037   71   T   -n  -0.3774  1.0195  11S  65W  68   71  01m49s

05300  0218 Oct 07  10:08:56   8423 -22031   76   A   -n   0.3038  0.9465  10N  69E  72  205  05m51s
05301  0219 Apr 02  09:40:55   8418 -22025   81   T   n-   0.3748  1.0629  24N  59E  68  221  04m56s
05302  0219 Sep 26  10:36:54   8414 -22019   86   A   p-  -0.4070  0.9259  22S  41E  66  301  08m13s
05303  0220 Feb 21  17:30:46   8410 -22014   53   Pe  -t  -1.5199  0.0338  61S  67E   0             
05304  0220 Mar 22  02:29:25   8409 -22013   91   P   t-   1.0855  0.8543  61N  89E   0             
05305  0220 Sep 14  11:13:10   8404 -22007   96   P   t-  -1.1022  0.7890  61S  38W   0             
05306  0221 Feb 10  05:02:06   8400 -22002   63   A   -p  -0.8724  0.9731  63S 163W  29  196  01m52s
05307  0221 Aug 05  08:18:57   8396 -21996   68   T   -p   0.9089  1.0339  69N 159E  24  276  01m58s
05308  0222 Jan 30  09:09:29   8391 -21990   73   A   nn  -0.1743  0.9331  27S  86E  80  254  07m37s
05309  0222 Jul 26  00:30:26   8387 -21984   78   T   -n   0.1612  1.0754  29N 148W  81  248  06m06s

Catalog of Solar Eclipses: 0201 to 0300

                      TD of
Catalog  Calendar   Greatest          Luna Saros Ecl.               Ecl.            Sun Path  Central
Number     Date      Eclipse    ΔT     Num  Num  Type QLE  Gamma    Mag.   Lat Long Alt Width   Dur.
                                 s                                          °    °    °   km

05310  0223 Jan 19  08:29:58   8382 -21978   83   A   p-   0.5218  0.9226  10N  82E  58  339  10m21s
05311  0223 Jul 15  17:10:13   8377 -21972   88   T   p-  -0.5800  1.0536  13S  51W  54  216  05m05s
05312  0224 Jan 08  10:36:12   8373 -21966   93   P   t-   1.1865  0.6450  64N  27E   0             
05313  0224 Jun 04  18:12:32   8369 -21961   60   P   -t   1.3248  0.4037  67N 125E   0             
05314  0224 Jul 04  05:42:31   8368 -21960   98   P   t-  -1.3891  0.2851  65S 105E   0             
05315  0224 Nov 28  08:13:29   8364 -21955   65   T   -p  -0.9439  1.0230  85S  35W  19  244  01m15s
05316  0225 May 24  20:39:31   8360 -21949   70   A   -p   0.5890  0.9468  57N 103W  54  243  05m02s
05317  0225 Nov 17  23:51:08   8355 -21943   75   T   -n  -0.2749  1.0440  35S 149W  74  153  03m43s
05318  0226 May 13  21:37:07   8351 -21937   80   A   nn  -0.1799  0.9631   8N 109W  80  136  04m47s
05319  0226 Nov 07  13:58:09   8346 -21931   85   H   n-   0.4133  1.0058   8N   7E  66   22  00m37s

05320  0227 May 03  04:02:14   8341 -21925   90   H   t-  -0.9320  1.0011  52S 172E  21   10  00m05s
05321  0227 Oct 27  22:15:17   8337 -21919   95   P   t-   1.1606  0.6881  71N  74W   0             
05322  0228 Mar 23  09:38:46   8333 -21914   62   T   -t   0.9363  1.0557  64N  30E  20  529  03m27s
05323  0228 Sep 16  05:26:27   8328 -21908   67   P   -t  -1.1176  0.7560  72S  51E   0             
05324  0229 Mar 13  02:14:35   8324 -21902   72   T   -n   0.2312  1.0532  10N 180E  77  180  04m52s
05325  0229 Sep 05  07:32:08   8319 -21896   77   A   -n  -0.3696  0.9676  14S  95E  68  125  03m46s
05326  0230 Mar 02  15:22:39   8314 -21890   82   A   p-  -0.5130  0.9980  37S   2W  59    8  00m11s
05327  0230 Aug 25  16:53:17   8310 -21884   87   T   p-   0.3818  1.0261  33N  32W  67   96  02m20s
05328  0231 Feb 19  21:25:10   8305 -21878   92   P   t-  -1.2876  0.4702  71S  23E   0             
05329  0231 Jul 17  00:46:30   8301 -21873   59   P   -t  -1.4492  0.1531  68S 167W   0             

05330  0231 Aug 15  08:07:30   8301 -21872   97   P   t-   1.0789  0.8673  70N 129W   0             
05331  0232 Jan 10  03:14:59   8297 -21867   64   A+  -t   1.0141  0.9292  68N 162E   0             
05332  0232 Jul 05  16:47:56   8292 -21861   69   T   -p  -0.7547  1.0389  26S  37W  41  199  03m44s
05333  0232 Dec 29  07:10:36   8287 -21855   74   A   -n   0.2833  0.9736   7S 109E  74   99  03m12s
05334  0233 Jun 25  03:34:11   8283 -21849   79   A   nn   0.0061  0.9905  24N 161E  90   34  01m04s
05335  0233 Dec 18  18:17:54   8278 -21843   84   T   n-  -0.4161  1.0249  48S  64W  65   93  02m00s
05336  0234 Jun 14  07:11:48   8274 -21837   89   A   p-   0.7974  0.9469  74N  77E  37  326  04m05s
05337  0234 Dec 08  09:36:15   8269 -21831   94   P   t-  -1.0662  0.8843  64S  83W   0             
05338  0235 May 04  18:14:55   8265 -21826   61   P   -t  -1.2592  0.5197  62S   3W   0             
05339  0235 Jun 03  07:49:57   8264 -21825   99   Pb  t-   1.5417  0.0318  64N  52W   0             

05340  0235 Oct 29  11:46:24   8261 -21820   66   A+  -t   1.0029  0.9781  62N  98E   0             
05341  0236 Apr 23  02:40:05   8256 -21814   71   T   -p  -0.4436  1.0248  12S 175W  64   93  02m20s
05342  0236 Oct 17  18:01:50   8251 -21808   76   A   -n   0.3248  0.9417   7N  51W  71  226  06m37s
05343  0237 Apr 12  17:21:56   8247 -21802   81   T   n-   0.3138  1.0677  25N  55W  72  232  05m18s
05344  0237 Oct 06  18:09:22   8242 -21796   86   A   p-  -0.3770  0.9234  25S  72W  68  309  08m25s
05345  0238 Apr 02  10:19:52   8237 -21790   91   P   t-   1.0347  0.9523  61N  38W   0             
05346  0238 Sep 25  18:49:44   8233 -21784   96   P   t-  -1.0645  0.8534  61S 161W   0             
05347  0239 Feb 21  12:56:11   8229 -21779   63   A   -t  -0.9056  0.9719  61S  82E  25  235  01m57s
05348  0239 Aug 16  16:00:15   8224 -21773   68   T   -t   0.9611  1.0313  66N  59E  15  392  01m45s
05349  0240 Feb 10  16:48:43   8220 -21767   73   A   nn  -0.2021  0.9342  25S  28W  78  250  07m21s

05350  0240 Aug 05  08:13:15   8215 -21761   78   T   -n   0.2221  1.0728  29N  97E  77  242  05m45s
05351  0241 Jan 29  16:13:53   8211 -21755   83   A   p-   0.5002  0.9261  10N  36W  60  317  09m27s
05352  0241 Jul 26  00:40:00   8206 -21749   88   T   p-  -0.5160  1.0495  10S 165W  59  190  04m40s
05353  0242 Jan 18  18:46:02   8201 -21743   93   P   t-   1.1710  0.6727  63N 106W   0             
05354  0242 Jun 16  00:52:20   8197 -21738   60   P   -t   1.4092  0.2555  66N  14E   0             
05355  0242 Jul 15  12:43:49   8197 -21737   98   P   t-  -1.3222  0.4067  64S  11W   0             
05356  0242 Dec 09  17:03:55   8193 -21732   65   T   -p  -0.9438  1.0246  86S 134E  19  261  01m19s
05357  0243 Jun 05  03:00:14   8188 -21726   70   A   -p   0.6774  0.9456  65N 165E  47  274  04m45s
05358  0243 Nov 29  08:42:30   8184 -21720   75   T   -n  -0.2774  1.0424  38S  80E  74  148  03m33s
05359  0244 May 24  04:09:35   8179 -21714   80   A   nn  -0.0948  0.9665  15N 151E  85  121  04m16s

Catalog of Solar Eclipses: 0201 to 0300

                      TD of
Catalog  Calendar   Greatest          Luna Saros Ecl.               Ecl.            Sun Path  Central
Number     Date      Eclipse    ΔT     Num  Num  Type QLE  Gamma    Mag.   Lat Long Alt Width   Dur.
                                 s                                          °    °    °   km

05360  0244 Nov 17  22:34:57   8174 -21708   85   H   n-   0.4108  1.0019   5N 124W  66    7  00m12s
05361  0245 May 13  11:05:04   8170 -21702   90   H2  t-  -0.8543  1.0086  40S  57E  31   57  00m48s
05362  0245 Nov 07  06:25:01   8165 -21696   95   P   t-   1.1545  0.6978  70N 150E   0             
05363  0246 Apr 03  17:28:38   8161 -21691   62   Tn  -t   0.9885  1.0553  72N 129W   7   -   02m59s
05364  0246 Sep 27  12:51:42   8157 -21685   67   P   -t  -1.1517  0.6984  72S  76W   0             
05365  0247 Mar 24  10:08:36   8152 -21679   72   T   -n   0.2796  1.0538  17N  58E  74  185  04m50s
05366  0247 Sep 16  15:08:27   8147 -21673   77   A   -n  -0.4079  0.9671  20S  22W  66  129  03m40s
05367  0248 Mar 12  23:05:01   8143 -21667   82   A   p-  -0.4710  0.9982  30S 120W  62    7  00m10s
05368  0248 Sep 05  00:45:17   8138 -21661   87   T   n-   0.3372  1.0263  26N 152W  70   95  02m25s
05369  0249 Mar 02  04:51:05   8133 -21655   92   P   t-  -1.2506  0.5333  72S 103W   0             

05370  0249 Jul 27  08:24:29   8130 -21650   59   Pe  -t  -1.5113  0.0341  69S  66E   0             
05371  0249 Aug 25  16:04:09   8129 -21649   97   P   t-   1.0303  0.9597  71N  98E   0             
05372  0250 Jan 20  11:08:46   8125 -21644   64   P   -t   1.0277  0.9080  69N  31E   0             
05373  0250 Jul 17  00:07:55   8120 -21638   69   T   -p  -0.8264  1.0322  34S 152W  34  194  02m57s
05374  0251 Jan 09  15:33:30   8116 -21632   74   A   -n   0.2892  0.9781   5S  17W  73   82  02m38s
05375  0251 Jul 06  10:22:43   8111 -21626   79   A   nn  -0.0738  0.9859  19N  58E  86   50  01m40s
05376  0251 Dec 30  03:03:44   8106 -21620   84   T   n-  -0.4123  1.0281  48S 168E  65  105  02m16s
05377  0252 Jun 24  13:35:01   8102 -21614   89   A   p-   0.7112  0.9466  69N   0W  44  281  04m27s
05378  0252 Dec 18  18:29:19   8097 -21608   94   P   t-  -1.0645  0.8874  66S 133E   0             
05379  0253 May 15  00:56:59   8093 -21603   61   P   -t  -1.3347  0.3868  63S 113W   0             

05380  0253 Jun 13  14:16:07   8093 -21602   99   P   t-   1.4545  0.1817  65N 159W   0             
05381  0253 Nov 08  20:13:33   8089 -21597   66   P   -t   1.0136  0.9570  62N  38W   0             
05382  0254 May 04  09:55:34   8084 -21591   71   T   -p  -0.5125  1.0294  13S  75E  59  114  02m49s
05383  0254 Oct 29  01:58:53   8079 -21585   76   A   -p   0.3418  0.9374   5N 171W  70  246  07m23s
05384  0255 Apr 24  00:59:20   8075 -21579   81   T   n-   0.2494  1.0718  25N 169W  75  241  05m39s
05385  0255 Oct 18  01:49:03   8070 -21573   86   A   p-  -0.3529  0.9214  28S 172E  69  315  08m37s
05386  0256 Apr 12  18:02:10   8065 -21567   91   T   t-   0.9776  1.0522  63N 139W  11  857  02m50s
05387  0256 Oct 06  02:36:21   8061 -21561   96   P   t-  -1.0342  0.9052  61S  73E   0             
05388  0257 Mar 03  20:38:34   8057 -21556   63   A   -t  -0.9476  0.9702  60S  28W  18  335  02m03s
05389  0257 Aug 26  23:51:08   8052 -21550   68   P   -t   1.0060  0.9969  61N  34W   0             

05390  0258 Feb 21  00:16:25   8048 -21544   73   A   nn  -0.2392  0.9355  23S 140W  76  247  07m06s
05391  0258 Aug 16  16:04:16   8043 -21538   78   T   -n   0.2761  1.0696  29N  19W  74  235  05m25s
05392  0259 Feb 09  23:49:56   8038 -21532   83   A   p-   0.4715  0.9302  11N 151W  62  292  08m33s
05393  0259 Aug 06  08:13:39   8034 -21526   88   T   p-  -0.4558  1.0447   8S  81E  63  166  04m09s
05394  0260 Jan 30  02:51:04   8029 -21520   93   P   t-   1.1508  0.7091  62N 123E   0             
05395  0260 Jun 26  07:30:13   8025 -21515   60   Pe  -t   1.4942  0.1074  65N  97W   0             
05396  0260 Jul 25  19:47:10   8025 -21514   98   P   t-  -1.2572  0.5236  63S 127W   0             
05397  0260 Dec 20  01:54:30   8021 -21509   65   T   -p  -0.9438  1.0267  83S  40W  19  283  01m25s
05398  0261 Jun 15  09:19:24   8016 -21503   70   A   -p   0.7667  0.9436  74N  80E  40  326  04m31s
05399  0261 Dec 09  17:35:29   8011 -21497   75   T   -n  -0.2785  1.0413  40S  51W  74  144  03m26s

05400  0262 Jun 04  10:42:17   8007 -21491   80   A   nn  -0.0093  0.9694  22N  51E  90  110  03m45s
05401  0262 Nov 29  07:13:23   8002 -21485   85   A   n-   0.4102  0.9984   2N 105E  66    6  00m11s
05402  0263 May 24  18:08:00   7997 -21479   90   T   p-  -0.7755  1.0151  30S  55W  39   82  01m30s
05403  0263 Nov 18  14:38:13   7993 -21473   95   P   t-   1.1518  0.7018  69N  14E   0             
05404  0264 Apr 14  01:12:18   7989 -21468   62   P   -t   1.0461  0.9330  71N  76E   0             
05405  0264 May 13  08:17:18   7988 -21467  100   Pb  t-  -1.4730  0.1096  69S 116E   0             
05406  0264 Oct 07  20:25:53   7984 -21462   67   P   -t  -1.1786  0.6530  72S 156E   0             
05407  0265 Apr 03  17:54:54   7980 -21456   72   T   -n   0.3341  1.0540  24N  61W  70  189  04m44s
05408  0265 Sep 26  22:54:42   7975 -21450   77   A   -p  -0.4387  0.9669  26S 141W  64  132  03m32s
05409  0266 Mar 24  06:38:31   7970 -21444   82   A   p-  -0.4226  0.9982  23S 123E  65    7  00m11s

Catalog of Solar Eclipses: 0201 to 0300

                      TD of
Catalog  Calendar   Greatest          Luna Saros Ecl.               Ecl.            Sun Path  Central
Number     Date      Eclipse    ΔT     Num  Num  Type QLE  Gamma    Mag.   Lat Long Alt Width   Dur.
                                 s                                          °    °    °   km

05410  0266 Sep 16  08:47:23   7966 -21438   87   T   n-   0.3004  1.0264  20N  86E  72   94  02m29s
05411  0267 Mar 13  12:07:39   7961 -21432   92   P   t-  -1.2067  0.6083  72S 133E   0             
05412  0267 Sep 06  00:08:11   7956 -21426   97   Tn  t-   0.9878  1.0472  73N  63W   8   -   02m32s
05413  0268 Jan 31  18:56:05   7953 -21421   64   P   -t   1.0468  0.8775  70N  98W   0             
05414  0268 Jul 27  07:31:46   7948 -21415   69   T   -t  -0.8938  1.0247  43S  91E  26  188  02m07s
05415  0269 Jan 19  23:50:15   7943 -21409   74   A   -n   0.3008  0.9831   3S 143W  73   63  01m59s
05416  0269 Jul 16  17:14:24   7939 -21403   79   A   nn  -0.1498  0.9808  13N  45W  81   69  02m21s
05417  0270 Jan 09  11:45:03   7934 -21397   84   T   n-  -0.4047  1.0320  46S  41E  66  118  02m35s
05418  0270 Jul 05  20:00:46   7929 -21391   89   A   p-   0.6271  0.9456  62N  88W  51  258  04m54s
05419  0270 Dec 30  03:19:31   7925 -21385   94   P   t-  -1.0610  0.8943  67S  11W   0             

05420  0271 May 26  07:37:54   7921 -21380   61   P   -t  -1.4113  0.2507  63S 136E   0             
05421  0271 Jun 24  20:44:32   7920 -21379   99   P   t-   1.3681  0.3308  66N  94E   0             
05422  0271 Nov 20  04:44:21   7916 -21374   66   P   -t   1.0204  0.9430  63N 176W   0             
05423  0272 May 14  17:06:05   7912 -21368   71   T   -p  -0.5860  1.0334  15S  33W  54  137  03m13s
05424  0272 Nov 08  10:02:12   7907 -21362   76   A   -p   0.3528  0.9337   2N  67E  69  262  08m10s
05425  0273 May 04  08:30:52   7902 -21356   81   T   n-   0.1800  1.0753  25N  79E  79  248  06m02s
05426  0273 Oct 28  09:36:39   7898 -21350   86   A   n-  -0.3353  0.9197  31S  56E  70  321  08m49s
05427  0274 Apr 24  01:38:24   7893 -21344   91   T   p-   0.9159  1.0564  63N 125E  23  463  03m14s
05428  0274 Oct 17  10:32:32   7888 -21338   96   A-  t-  -1.0113  0.9444  61S  56W   0             
05429  0275 Mar 15  04:12:26   7884 -21333   63   As  -t  -0.9957  0.9661  61S 120W   3   -   02m10s

05430  0275 Sep 07  07:49:10   7880 -21327   68   P   -t   1.0456  0.9222  61N 163W   0             
05431  0276 Mar 03  07:36:11   7875 -21321   73   A   -n  -0.2822  0.9370  21S 110E  73  243  06m53s
05432  0276 Aug 27  00:01:24   7870 -21315   78   T   -n   0.3249  1.0660  27N 138W  71  227  05m06s
05433  0277 Feb 20  07:17:51   7866 -21309   83   A   p-   0.4355  0.9346  12N  96E  64  267  07m40s
05434  0277 Aug 16  15:53:34   7861 -21303   88   T   n-  -0.4014  1.0395   8S  35W  66  143  03m37s
05435  0278 Feb 09  10:49:47   7856 -21297   93   P   t-   1.1243  0.7569  62N   6W   0             
05436  0278 Aug 06  02:55:27   7852 -21291   98   P   t-  -1.1970  0.6308  62S 116E   0             
05437  0278 Dec 31  10:41:52   7848 -21286   65   T   -p  -0.9471  1.0290  79S 171E  18  316  01m32s
05438  0279 Jun 26  15:41:17   7843 -21280   70   A   -p   0.8534  0.9410  80N  16E  31  423  04m20s
05439  0279 Dec 21  02:26:27   7839 -21274   75   T   -n  -0.2811  1.0406  40S 179E  73  142  03m21s

05440  0280 Jun 14  17:15:49   7834 -21268   80   A   nn   0.0764  0.9718  28N  47W  85  102  03m18s
05441  0280 Dec 09  15:51:37   7829 -21262   85   A   n-   0.4102  0.9955   1N  26W  66   17  00m30s
05442  0281 Jun 04  01:11:00   7825 -21256   90   T   p-  -0.6954  1.0205  22S 165W  46   97  02m08s
05443  0281 Nov 28  22:52:13   7820 -21250   95   P   t-   1.1503  0.7038  68N 122W   0             
05444  0282 Apr 25  08:50:06   7816 -21245   62   P   -t   1.1087  0.8128  71N  52W   0             
05445  0282 May 24  15:41:33   7815 -21244  100   P   t-  -1.4000  0.2495  68S   8W   0             
05446  0282 Oct 19  04:09:45   7811 -21239   67   P   -t  -1.1981  0.6202  71S  25E   0             
05447  0283 Apr 15  01:32:54   7807 -21233   72   T   -p   0.3951  1.0537  32N 178W  67  193  04m32s
05448  0283 Oct 08  06:51:00   7802 -21227   77   A   -p  -0.4620  0.9669  32S  98E  62  134  03m24s
05449  0284 Apr 03  14:01:36   7797 -21221   82   A   n-  -0.3662  0.9980  15S   9E  68    7  00m13s

05450  0284 Sep 26  16:58:52   7793 -21215   87   T   n-   0.2710  1.0263  14N  39W  74   92  02m31s
05451  0285 Mar 23  19:12:28   7788 -21209   92   P   t-  -1.1538  0.6989  72S  12E   0             
05452  0285 Sep 16  08:21:02   7783 -21203   97   T   t-   0.9528  1.0475  67N 135E  17  531  02m51s
05453  0286 Feb 11  02:37:17   7780 -21198   64   P   -t   1.0709  0.8382  71N 133E   0             
05454  0286 Aug 07  14:59:28   7775 -21192   69   T   -t  -0.9570  1.0161  55S  31W  16  194  01m15s
05455  0287 Jan 31  08:03:05   7770 -21186   74   A   -n   0.3163  0.9886   1N  93E  72   42  01m18s
05456  0287 Jul 28  00:08:38   7765 -21180   79   A   nn  -0.2228  0.9754   7N 151W  77   90  03m04s
05457  0288 Jan 20  20:22:45   7761 -21174   84   T   n-  -0.3936  1.0362  43S  86W  67  133  02m57s
05458  0288 Jul 16  02:29:07   7756 -21168   89   A   p-   0.5451  0.9441  55N 179E  57  247  05m26s
05459  0289 Jan 09  12:06:27   7752 -21162   94   P   t-  -1.0551  0.9057  68S 154W   0             

Catalog of Solar Eclipses: 0201 to 0300

                      TD of
Catalog  Calendar   Greatest          Luna Saros Ecl.               Ecl.            Sun Path  Central
Number     Date      Eclipse    ΔT     Num  Num  Type QLE  Gamma    Mag.   Lat Long Alt Width   Dur.
                                 s                                          °    °    °   km

05460  0289 Jun 05  14:20:04   7748 -21157   61   Pe  -t  -1.4873  0.1149  64S  26E   0             
05461  0289 Jul 05  03:18:00   7747 -21156   99   P   t-   1.2845  0.4754  67N  16W   0             
05462  0289 Nov 30  13:15:06   7743 -21151   66   P   -t   1.0264  0.9307  64N  46E   0             
05463  0290 May 26  00:17:58   7738 -21145   71   T   -p  -0.6592  1.0365  19S 142W  49  162  03m32s
05464  0290 Nov 19  18:07:55   7734 -21139   76   A   -p   0.3609  0.9307   0N  56W  69  276  08m56s
05465  0291 May 15  16:00:04   7729 -21133   81   T   nn   0.1081  1.0781  25N  32W  84  254  06m24s
05466  0291 Nov 08  17:29:47   7724 -21127   86   A   n-  -0.3220  0.9186  34S  62W  71  325  09m00s
05467  0292 May 04  09:08:37   7720 -21121   91   T   p-   0.8497  1.0586  64N  24E  31  364  03m29s
05468  0292 Oct 27  18:36:49   7715 -21115   96   As  t-  -0.9939  0.9382  64S 177W   5   -   03m50s
05469  0293 Mar 25  11:33:58   7711 -21110   63   P   -t  -1.0531  0.8842  61S 127E   0             

05470  0293 Sep 17  15:57:50   7706 -21104   68   P   -t   1.0773  0.8624  61N  65E   0             
05471  0294 Mar 14  14:44:43   7702 -21098   73   A   -p  -0.3343  0.9385  20S   3E  70  240  06m43s
05472  0294 Sep 07  08:06:29   7697 -21092   78   T   -n   0.3671  1.0621  25N 101E  68  218  04m48s
05473  0295 Mar 03  14:37:14   7692 -21086   83   A   p-   0.3920  0.9393  14N  15W  67  242  06m51s
05474  0295 Aug 27  23:39:35   7688 -21080   88   T   n-  -0.3527  1.0338   8S 152W  69  121  03m03s
05475  0296 Feb 20  18:40:52   7683 -21074   93   P   t-   1.0908  0.8177  61N 133W   0             
05476  0296 Aug 16  10:08:36   7678 -21068   98   P   t-  -1.1412  0.7288  62S   2W   0             
05477  0297 Jan 10  19:26:43   7674 -21063   65   T   -p  -0.9528  1.0318  75S  30E  17  364  01m40s
05478  0297 Jul 06  22:05:39   7670 -21057   70   A   -t   0.9379  0.9373  79N  15W  20  688  04m12s
05479  0297 Dec 31  11:15:04   7665 -21051   75   T   -n  -0.2855  1.0404  40S  49E  73  141  03m19s

05480  0298 Jun 25  23:53:31   7660 -21045   80   Am  nn   0.1595  0.9736  33N 145W  81   96  02m55s
05481  0298 Dec 21  00:29:21   7656 -21039   85   A   n-   0.4101  0.9932   0N 157W  66   26  00m46s
05482  0299 Jun 15  08:15:24   7651 -21033   90   T   p-  -0.6154  1.0251  15S  86E  52  108  02m40s
05483  0299 Dec 10  07:07:16   7646 -21027   95   P   t-   1.1501  0.7037  67N 103E   0             
05484  0300 May 05  16:23:42   7642 -21022   62   P   -t   1.1751  0.6846  70N 179W   0             
05485  0300 Jun 03  23:05:01   7642 -21021  100   P   t-  -1.3256  0.3929  67S 131W   0             
05486  0300 Oct 29  12:00:54   7638 -21016   67   P   -t  -1.2118  0.5973  71S 106W   0             

World Atlas of Solar Eclipse Paths

Detailed maps of all annular, total and hybrid eclipses during the 3rd century CE can be found at the World Atlas of Solar Eclipse Paths. The maps are broken down into 20 year intervals and may be accessed through the links below. Each map is stored in GIF format with a typical file size of 130 kilobytes.

World Atlas of Solar Eclipse Paths
3rd century CE 0201-0220 0221-0240 0241-0260 0261-0280 0281-0300

Index to Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses

Each link below displays a web page containing 100 years of solar eclipses. Every eclipse has links of global maps, central paths plotted on Google Maps, Saros series tables, and Besselian elements.

Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses
-1999 - -1900 -1899 - -1800 -1799 - -1700 -1699 - -1600 -1599 - -1500
-1499 - -1400 -1399 - -1300 -1299 - -1200 -1199 - -1100 -1099 - -1000
-0999 - -0900 -0899 - -0800 -0799 - -0700 -0699 - -0600 -0599 - -0500
-0499 - -0400 -0399 - -0300 -0299 - -0200 -0199 - -0100 -0099 - -0000
0001 - 0100 0101 - 0200 0201 - 0300 0301 - 0400 0401 - 0500
0501 - 0600 0601 - 0700 0701 - 0800 0801 - 0900 0901 - 1000
1001-1100 1101-1200 1201-1300 1301-1400 1401-1500
1501-1600 1601-1700 1701-1800 1801-1900 1901-2000
2001-2100 2101-2200 2201-2300 2301-2400 2401-2500
2501-2600 2601-2700 2701-2800 2801-2900 2901-3000

These web pages are part of the Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000


The Gregorian calendar is used for all dates from 1582 Oct 15 onwards. Before that date, the Julian calendar is used. For more information on this topic, see Calendar Dates. The Julian calendar does not include the year 0. Thus the year 1 BCE is followed by the year 1 CE (See: BCE/CE Dating Conventions ). This is awkward for arithmetic calculations. Years in this catalog are numbered astronomically and include the year 0. Historians should note there is a difference of one year between astronomical dates and BCE dates. Thus, the astronomical year 0 corresponds to 1 BCE, and astronomical year -1 corresponds to 2 BCE, etc..


The coordinates of the Sun used in these predictions are based on the VSOP87 theory [Bretagnon and Francou, 1988]. The Moon's coordinates are based on the ELP-2000/82 theory [Chapront-Touze and Chapront, 1983]. For more information, see: Solar and Lunar Ephemerides. The revised value used for the Moon's secular acceleration is n-dot = -25.858 arc-sec/cy*cy, as deduced from the Apollo lunar laser ranging experiment (Chapront, Chapront-Touze, and Francou, 2002).

The largest uncertainty in the eclipse predictions is caused by fluctuations in Earth's rotation due primarily to tidal friction of the Moon. The resultant drift in apparent clock time is expressed as ΔT and is determined as follows:

  1. pre-1950's: ΔT calculated from empirical fits to historical records derived by Morrison and Stephenson (2004)
  2. 1955-present: ΔT obtained from published observations
  3. future: ΔT is extrapolated from current values weighted by the long term trend from tidal effects

A series of polynomial expressions have been derived to simplify the evaluation of ΔT for any time from -1999 to +3000. The uncertainty in ΔT over this period can be estimated from scatter in the measurements.


[1] The Moon's orbit is inclined about 5.1° to Earth's orbit around the Sun. The points where the lunar orbit intersects the plane of Earth's orbit are known as the nodes. The Moon moves from south to north of Earth's orbit at the ascending node, and from north to south at the descending node.

[2] Hybrid eclipses are also known as annular/total eclipses. Such an eclipse is both total and annular along different sections of its umbral path. (See: Five Millennium Catalog of Hybrid Solar Eclipses)

[3] Central solar eclipses are eclipses in which the central axis of the Moon's shadow strikes the Earth's surface. All partial (penumbral) eclipses are non-central eclipses since the shadow axis misses Earth. However, umbral eclipses (total, annular and hybrid) may be either central (usually) or non-central (rarely).

[4] The terms BCE and CE are abbreviations for "Before Common Era" and "Common Era," respectively. They are the secular equivalents to the BC and AD dating conventions. (See: Year Dating Conventions )

[5] Greatest eclipse is defined as the instant when the axis of the Moon's shadow passes closest to the Earth's center. For total eclipses, the instant of greatest eclipse is virtually identical to the instants of greatest magnitude and greatest duration. However, for annular eclipses, the instant of greatest duration may occur at either the time of greatest eclipse or near the sunrise and sunset points of the eclipse path.


The information presented on this web page is based on data published in Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000 and Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000. The individual global maps appearing in links were extracted from full page plates appearing in Five Millennium Canon by Dan McGlaun. The Besselian elements were provided by Jean Meeus. Fred Espenak assumes full responsibility for the accuracy of all eclipse calculations.

Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by an acknowledgment:

"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak (NASA's GSFC)"

Eclipse Links

Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses

Ten Millennium Catalog of Long Solar Eclipses

Saros Series Catalog of Solar Eclipses

World Atlas of Solar Eclipse Paths

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Website Manager: Robert M. Candey (
Responsible NASA Official: Michael S. Kirk (
Heliophysics Science Division, Code 670
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA